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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Possession is nine-tenths of the law! I think our own tubs have resided more at the other person's house than our own by now. [emoji4] Juiceman, I'll be done with Ol Aggies' tub on July 9th, but your already knew that. You can grab it from me then if you want.
  2. I'd be more worried about the salt content of the skimmate. I'd wager that it'll kill your plants over time.
  3. You get the Aquarium Plants Carbon Doser?
  4. Famous last words indeed! Remember my old 125-gallon you got to see in person back in its infancy? Polyp extension like nobody's business. Had AEFW... granted a small infestation, but acros that had full polyp extension were doing that while getting munched on by AEFW. If you aren't in any rush, I'd hold off on the acros until that QT is setup. I always tell folks... it's the one's with the prettiest tanks are the one's you should trust the least. They've got corals from over 50+ sources by that point.
  5. I stole all the tubs Juiceman! But you already knew that. I'd totally dry out the rock and cure it. You can find uses down the line for it instead of throwing it away. Or just give it to me and I'll do that. [emoji4]
  6. I'll giving you until the end of summer and then I'll start giving you a hard time after that. Muahahaha! [emoji48]
  7. Nice! Good looking unit on the peristaltic pump. I'm sure that made a dent in the wallet. Haha. No doubts about their stable reliability. I hope you can quiet it down... Probably some insulation in the cabinet may help. Sounds like you are ready for acros. I'm going to be a nagger and say to QT them or else you might relive the AEFW disaster but that's just me trying to be the annoying voice in your head that keeps you out of trouble. [emoji4]
  8. I didn't see my tank anywhere Juiceman? [emoji14]
  9. Yeah, but at those prices switching to the connected apex sensor isn't much of a chance in cost while gaining me remote alerts.They are more than you think. You have to buy the module first, then you can use the sensors.
  10. Both fish look good. A couple more days and back into the tub they go with all their friends again.
  11. Photobomb! That was my hospital tank behind him.
  12. Sorry for the loss! Jumping is the most frustrating because there was nothing wrong with the fish and if you would have noticed in time, a life could have been saved. Thought about turning off all flow, letting the system settle, and then restarting everything? Sometimes, you end up with bubbles stuck in the plumbing that can't vent themselves or pressure-locked situations that just shutting everything off and restarting remedies.
  13. Good call Jestep. I still use the WP models because they are run through my Apex and my programmed wave programs work better with the more direct flow of the WPs. The RWs are more updated and have a wider spread flow which would probably be ideal for your tank Heather.
  14. I was going to chime in and say you need to downsize to the WP-25 but seems like you've already run across that option now. That WP40 is just too much for your size tank IMO. I use them on my 215-gallon that's 6' long. I think you're on the right track, both the WP10s at 100% seems reasonable until you get your hands on a WP25. Depending on your setup, I'd probably do two WP25s, put them on either side of the tank at roughly the configuration that Jestep diagrammed.
  15. I'm so sick of QT, I'm thinking of going fishless from this point on. I heard CUC is just as fun.
  16. How's it going Luis! Glad to have you onboard!
  17. Daily dose. The beauty of hydrogen peroxide is that it just breaks down into oxygen and water. You shouldn't have lasting effects other than the immediate.
  18. If you don't have the newer controller, I'm pretty sure I have an extra one. Just let me know.
  19. I know, just giving you a hard time!I'm taking the name "fish whisperer" away from you! It's been revoked! [emoji14]
  20. Give me a little credit for observation. [emoji14] Rock is rock in the end. It'll grow more algae if its loaded with phosphate. You have the ability to remove the phosphate during the cycling/curing process so what does it matter in the end if you have the control.
  21. That's because there's more rock. The other side is entirely covered with coral for the most part. There's not much open rock for algae to grow on even if it wanted.
  22. Is the pukani on the left of your tank top or just the right?The whole right side.
  23. Half my tank was dry pukani. No difference in algae that I noticed.
  24. Thanks bud. This is the 3rd time the emperor has gotten it in QT and the 2nd time the blue hippo has as well so I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say they are prone to it.It cleared up in 24hrs when I got them in the good antibiotics. I still treat for a good full 6 days and then put them back in the tub and they never usually get it again unless I restart my QT.
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