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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. The good side? Glad to see Tim's legacy is back in town. Says the whole 5 of you down South. [emoji23]
  2. Drill the larger hole I say. That air pump is just adding another point of failure in my eyes. You have your pH graph by chance off the Apex?
  3. Hey Jeremy! Give me a holler when that tank is cycled. I got some frags coming your way as well.
  4. Hey Tom, Glad the transfer of the tank back to Austin went well! Good to see you active back here on the forum. I'll have to come check it out one day when I'm on the other side of the river.
  5. This is called beta testing. The period you get to flex all your rookie mistakes without judgement. [emoji4]
  6. How's it look today? Sometimes tangs will look discolored if stressed so I don't want to say catch it out and proactively treat it yet.
  7. Was any other fish added after him? Like recently?
  8. Hmmm, hard to tell. Any other fish showing symptoms? When was the kole tang added? QT'ed?
  9. Haha, that Houston trip was a fun one this past weekend. Yes, the slimer made it and is awkwardly sitting in my frag tank right now. What a monster... I may have to frag it just to keep it in QT for a bit and perhaps glue it back together when it finally makes it into the DT a couple months later.
  10. I feel so ill-informed with my carbon doser. Luckily, I do have the ability to turn wrenches. "No form, talent, skill, or technique involved." -Winner winner... I can do this! You sir might have found me my next project.
  11. Were you just dripping skimmate back into the sump?
  12. Nothing could fly over my head... I would catch it.
  13. Are those biopellets tumbling in reverse? [emoji23]I don't get it.Didn't you say your reactor was plumbed backwards the other day? I was just ribbing you.
  14. Are those biopellets tumbling in reverse? [emoji23]
  15. I run the Jaebo but I bought a backup just in case. Been running probably 8 months with no issues.
  16. Sicce? Jaebo? Mags are known to get hot.
  17. FarmerTy


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [emoji4] I like Caribsea special reef grade sand and I usually add about 2". You just have to rinse the heck out of it... I mean really rinse it... It's super dirty. Especially if you are adding to a running tank.
  18. I don't think its affected a ton so I think you're fine. I don't turn them on at all just in case. Ambient room light should suffice for the QT anyways.
  19. I'd personally do TTM if it were me but the powder should work as well. Make sure there is no light over it as chloroquine phosphate, the active ingredient in the powder, degrades under UV. Also, any water changes, just put the same amount back into the tank... i.e, remove 10 gals for water change, dose back in enough CP for 10 gals. I'm sure stuff you already know but just wanted to mention just in case. FYI, freshwater dips mainly provide relief from flukes and marine velvet, but not ich, as the theronts burrow under the skin and are unaffected by the freshwater dip. But if you do the dip and a bunch of white specks fall off, then at least you know you are dealing with velvet, which can also be treated with CP. Good luck sir!
  20. If you're talking about just rinsing sand, then I just use the hose and then the final rinse with RO/DI. If you are trying to cycle the sand, I would use RO/DI, but I never hear of people actually cycling the sand.
  21. I'm pretty sure that's photoshopped. [emoji14] Nice man! I was thinking it would never get wet and just be like a trophy frag tank.
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