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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's terrible but glad you're making your way back to saltwater!
  2. ...but it's gonna take fouuurrrrevvvvvaaarI know right? Where's Amazon now when you need it? I'll send a drone!
  3. No pictures here either but my oldest inverts are two nassarius snails that are 4 years old. Oldest fish is clowney, she's 6. Raised her since she was the size of a grain of rice. Oldest coral is a zoa, had it for 12 years now.
  4. Just not a good year to be a wrasse I guess. I lost some too. Sorry for the loss Kim, leopards are one of my favorites.
  5. That's a shame about all the fish losses. Glad the sea hare made it out okay and the inking didn't cause too much trouble.
  6. Jeremy is a DIY master, level 10. I stole his return manifold when he shut down and still use it today.
  7. I like to think the cameras just got better and my photography skills have stayed about the same.
  8. Got it from your brother so when your tank is ready, I'd love to pass a frag back so it stays in the family.
  9. I'll try to take a more recent pic of it tomorrow.
  10. One of my oldest acros.... Oregon tort. 5 years ago when I got this frag from Tim. My mother colony now. I frag it pretty regularly but its been with me through thick and thin.
  11. I'm part of that instant gratification generation. I ordered one already. Thanks all!
  12. To the google sir!I usually buy mine at bulkreefsupply or Ebay. In town, I think Jake at RCA usually carries some.
  13. I'm guessing you meant phosphate is 0.25 ppm, which means yes, you need to start running GFO in the reactor. Anything below 0.1 ppm is usually fine. That's probably the source of your algae. You should get your nitrate level checked too. Salinity I'm guessing you meant 1.020 which is indeed low. You want it at around 1.024-1.026. Calcium will be low unless you start dosing or stay up with regular water changes. The reactor with the CO2 and rocks in it is the Calcium reactor. I'd wait until you learn your way around the tank first before kicking that one online. You could nuke your system really easily with that. The other reactor should be Tim's old biopellet reactor with the pump at the bottom. You can add biopellets in it and run the eflluent to the skimmer chamber to keep your nitrates low.
  14. If you got one of these little guys, let me know. I'm looking to stick it in my frag tank.
  15. Thanks bud. You might want to take that idea and run with it for your new tank. No more fish picture bombs!!! Haha. It is a tad overcrowded. I just need to get over my hoarder tendencies. I'll probably get around to posting some stuff soon once everything colors up nicely in that frag tank now that it has stabilized. Haha, littered with colonies all over the sandbed? I guess the owner is always the most critical on themselves. [emoji4] Thanks for the compliment.Yeah, frag tank has been separated and moved to the office. It's been an adventure with that one so far but it finally seems to be stabilizing. Successful people will always see room for improvement. I think it has something to do with ambition, but it could also be a mental disorder. Any psychologists here? J/k, everyone knows psychologists stay away from real science. The bottom line is that most new hobbyists pick up their first book because they see an awesome tank. Almost none of them will achieve what you already have because they will either quit, move, upgrade or sabotage themselves in one way or another. Don't believe me? I did three of those things just last year and you helped two of them. The sabotaging I did all by myself. I'm pretty sure my wife has said at least more than once that I may have a disorder. She's a speech therapist so she may have some insight as they see plenty of disorders as well that impact speech. The sabotaging... how did that make you feel Sascha?
  16. This thread may be right up your alley sir.http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?/topic/21658-Cheap-tricks
  17. Tom, phosban is just a brand of GFO media, which is used to lower phosphate levels in the tank. I would test your levels first before deciding if you need to run any. The reactors themselves can be ussd to run GFO, carbon, or biopellets usually. Like mentioned, GFO removes phosphates, carbon removes some organics and toxins, and biopellets mostly remove nitrates but also some phosphates (though you'll need to run a skimmer with them to skim the effluent of the reactor to remove bacteria produced). Again, I'd test your levels before you decide to run anything in the reactors and see if you even need to right now.
  18. Nice, now I feel lazy for just ordering the defroster. [emoji53]
  19. Haha, littered with colonies all over the sandbed? I guess the owner is always the most critical on themselves. [emoji4] Thanks for the compliment.Yeah, frag tank has been separated and moved to the office. It's been an adventure with that one so far but it finally seems to be stabilizing.
  20. Nice! That's a good start! Glad you're getting back in.
  21. FarmerTy


    It's a lot of work! [emoji4]
  22. First time ever anybody had been thanked for busting out windows.
  23. Yeah, I need to do a clearout soon!
  24. I posted it for $180 but it sold very quickly Christy.
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