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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I'll trade you for a Hawaiian coris wrasse? [emoji4] Nice man! I thought you were going to get a pair?
  2. Thanks sir! Let me know when you are SPS ready!
  3. First issues I've really had with GFO since I started using it 5 years ago. It's 100% the reactor so I'll order a new reactor and retire the little cheap modified TLF reactor I've been using for 5 years now. I think I got my money's worth out of it. [emoji4]
  4. Tank background has been moved to the lowest priority but I'm still looking to have a printing company print that light blue to dark blue gradient as the backdrop.
  5. All clear as of last night! The socks did the job to remove all that GFO dust that got loose. I'm anxious to get the fish and my replacement batch of CUC in the tank. After the 3 clogging episodes of GFO and the resulting dusting of GFO powder, the algae has gone nuts in the tank. Once the fish and CUC are back in the tank, they'll mow it all down in a week easily. Until then, the urchins in the tank are doing the best they can to keep up. On the frag tank, still battling phosphates but at least my alk is stable now. There's a constant up and down with the continued leaching from the rocks but I seem to have dialed in the right amount of GFO now to counter the leaching without stripping it too much. I went too heavy last week with GFO and caused a mass STN event. I lost some frags but most seem to be recovering now. The joys of a 2nd tank... [emoji53]
  6. Cool. Let me hear back from James first if he still needs the backup Apex or if he's got it all handled already.
  7. Those look like mind-blowing palys and nuclear green palys.
  8. If someone has a doser that can dose without needing an independent controller for 40 secs/hr, if I can borrow that, Jimbo can borrow the Apex I have on the frag tank. I know the odds are slim but just throwing it out there.
  9. It's really the reactor that's causing the problems sadly. I'll probably just get a new one. Clumping is not the issue for this one, it's the restriction of flow with the way I modded the reactor. When I bump up the flow, it starts to tumble again and never clumped while sitting there.
  10. Just regular. I stopped using HC, just strips the water too fast in my tank.
  11. I did this an hour ago and the sump already looks clearer. Awesome!
  12. Always an adventure! My GFO reactor decided it needed to clog up on me yet again so I decided to push more flow through it temporarily to blast any blockage out. Well leave it up to me to forget about it and let it go full blast for an entire day. Got some 10 micron socks right now on the drains zip tied in place to pull out all the fine dust. No issues with the inhabitants of the tank but it sure is ugly, cloudy right now. [emoji53]
  13. That's a great picture of the toadstool with the over-reaching gorgonian in the background. Gorgeous framing!
  14. You really don't need to do anything but just let it use up the silicates in the system and it'll just go away. If you desire a proactive approach, I see no issues with your plan though I think it a bit extreme for diatoms. Your chaeto is dying probably from either a lack of nutrients in the system or improper lighting requirements and it is leaching nutrients back in the system. I'd either rectify the chaeto issue or remove it for now and get more later on when you have enough nutrients to support its growth. I've found conchs to be great consumers of diatoms in the sand. They'll mow that stuff down but I haven't observed many other CUC that touch it.
  15. Looks like diatoms to me as well which is common in new tanks. This would be the one that I would not siphon out as it generally is just feeding on silicates in the water from your new sand. Once it uses up all the silicates in your system, it'll go away. A water change or two wouldn't hurt as long as you are using RO/DI water for the new water as you could be adding more silicates if just using tap water.
  16. My guess is palau nepthea but I'm not a softie guy. I'm only guessing because I'm surprised nobody has identified it yet. [emoji4]
  17. Alright, who took my 999,998 other urchins? [emoji36]
  18. Woohoo! I'm coming tonight! Should I bring a dump truck? Those pictures are looking great sir!
  19. Definitely ask questions. The ones who know the most have probably made a ton of mistakes up to that point so they can steer you in the right direction to avoid them yourself. Wait Dan... I thought you bought me the beer to apologize for disagreeing with me and to confirm that I'm always right? [emoji12]
  20. Oh yeah, they'll all be fine in a 30 gal. I typically dose prime on the 2nd day with higher bioloads like this one. I'll PM you to coordinate.
  21. I've got two 30 gallons that I use normally with TTM. Can you list your fish? I have two 45-gallon Rubbermaid storage tubs I've used as well in the past in a pinch if most of the 11 fish are larger.
  22. Person is picking up Saturday. I'll let you know if it doesn't work out. Thank you!
  23. Oh jeez James! Hope you are okay. I don't mind finishing out the TTM for you if you would like. I can grab the fish and salt this afternoon if you're around. Just let me know.
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