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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's a wide open category there! Who was going to speak on it? I can assist if desired.
  2. Do we still need a topic speaker for the meeting? I've been officially approved to go and be happy to speak on whatever subject people would be interested in if needed! [emoji4]Here are some potential interesting topics if needed: -keeping SPS -dipping corals -tank transfer method -ich treatment options -bacterial treatment options -setting up QTs -setting up frag tanks -quick cycling rock -propagation methods -fungia plate farming -my no water change method -running a CaRX If not needed, I'll be stuffing my face on Vietnamese food and listening to the speaker. [emoji106]
  3. Be happy to have you if you can look past the lack of fish in the tank and the resultant algal bloom from my GFO clogging on me 3x in the last 2 months. [emoji4] Perhaps you can come a little before the meeting and we can carpool down south to the meeting? That is if you are just going down there and back up afterwards. If not, no need to carpool.
  4. So the outlet of a mag18 for example is 3/4". So you wouldn't use 3/4" piping, you'd use something bigger so it's never any smaller that 3/4....?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I would just use 3/4" the whole way and try not to reduce it anywhere if possible. I didn't have that option so unfortunately I had to reduce some connections.
  5. I planted that on him so you would banish him and I could take him.
  6. Larger pipe creates less drag Juiceman. I'd size it to the outlet of the pump and minimize downsizing when possible. The entire run will only run as much as the narrowest restriction anyways so keep that in mind.
  7. I think a day where you go look at a couple of the larger tanks in town would be helpful for you to see a couple in action and see what their methodologies are. When you start doing so much research online and considering all these different opinions, it's hard to know if half the people are talking from a point of concept or actual results. I think a 30-minute conversation with a couple of people who have tanks that run something similar to what you want to end up with will help you plan your own system. I'd be happy to have you by one day when you're in town if my tank is similar to what you want as an end goal. I run an SPS dominant tank, 215 gallons, with biopellets, GFO, a large skimmer, and a CaRX. I don't do water changes at all. I think you mentioned more of a mixed reef system. I know that Dan H (Dan and Meg) run a fairly mixed system with an emphasis on SPS so they may be a good option as well. Reburn has a spectacular frag tank setup that would run any display system easily. He doesn't have anything in it yet but just the sheer level of detail thst went into the build would be beneficial for you. Juiceman has a large tank as well with an amazing fish population and some nice acro colonies. Just get him before he tears down his tank and replace everything first. Either way, my point is, you've done plenty of online research and talked to plenty of builders. It seems natural to complete the circle and talk to some people who are directly applying these concepts to their tanks and running them currently.
  8. Wow! That's high. How did it get that high? Water changes would help lower it with a salt mix that is lower in alk. Though I don't recommend it, adding muriatic acid can also lower your alk levels. I guess if you're a fireman, then you've been trained in handling hazardous materials. If you want to know more details of using muriatic acid to lower you alk level, just PM me.
  9. Don't feel bad, I was outsmarted for 2 months by an anemone so you're still way behind me in that respect...
  10. That was quite the epic career there Jimbo. [emoji6] At least I can say I went out on top. While I was in the ER my team won the playoff! [emoji23] Hilarious!
  11. That was quite the epic career there Jimbo. [emoji6]
  12. Sorry for the rotten luck. Welcome to Reburn and my life... QT misery. We're both so sick of it but we know we're doing the right thing. Why does the right thing have to be so hard though.
  13. I'm envisioning..... So like an exhaust for a dryer that goes outside. I guess the hardest part would be making something that conforms the back of the chiller to the ducting.How would there be back pressure and how would you ensure that didn't happen? A fan inside the ducting? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Yes, I would imagine the most difficult part is building a shroud that would fit nicely around your chiller exhaust. A walk around Home Depot may give you some ideas. I've seen some HVAC pieces that may work perfectly. For backpressure, just don't try to run a line too high or too long. A fan pushing along the hot air may be helpful. I haven't built one myself so I'm just brianstorming.
  14. Build maybe a shroud around the exhaust area of your chiller and run some ducting outside? Just make sure there's not too much back pressure on the exhausted air or it'll cause the chiller to work inefficiently.
  15. Maybe ghost feed the tank? Dose aminos? Dose nitrates?
  16. I thought the same thing with the chiller being outside. It seemed like you would actually heat up your tank instead of cool it. I think the ideal setup is have the chiller inside and let it vent its exhaust outside. The current configuration seems like it would just heat up water as it goes outside in 90 - 100 degree temperatures and then when it gets too warm in the tank, it would just run non-stop to try to cool it which is going to cost you a whole lot of electricity. Like running a window unit non-stop in the summer.
  17. Mag pump is your only problem. They are typically loud and dump a lot of heat into the system. I'd try running an internal DC pump, super quiet and very efficient energy wise. You already know what I had to say about external versus internal earlier this morning.
  18. Canopy has my vote... especially with your wood working skills.
  19. Sump is officially dark! Well, here's a picture of it lit but from now on, no more light down there! Also, looks like the conditions in a plastic tub, right by a heater, with the water quality hovering around 60 ppm nitrates and 0.2 ppm of phosphates is ideal for the next generation of clowns.
  20. I'd let your alk start dropping back down to whatever level that it looked happiest before. I fear perhaps that your tank is so new and you have no fish in there that your nutrient levels are so low that you're basically running an ULN system. With ULN systems, its best to keep the alk below 8.0 as you'll end up with burnt tips otherwise. As I mentioned before, I wouldn't put too much stock in the mille frags that are from maricultures. They have a very low survival rate comparatively to other maricultures so they may not be indicative of any non-suitable conditions in your system. They have a high chance of just dying all by themselves. What are your nitrate levels?
  21. Oh, that's way fancier than my 5-gallon bucket. [emoji4] Just keep an eye out on ammonia levels in the QT. I typically use an ammonia alert badge to help monitor levels and do water changes as needed. You can usually find them locally in the big shop pet stores. Good luck sir!
  22. Can you elaborate on this? I haven't found any bad stuff related to a fallow period. In my mind they have a bacteria or parasite. How am I supposed to add fish to an infected water system? How would you treat this? Not aware of too many consequences either other than lowered nutrient levels when removing fish. I would just leave the tank fallow for 60 days just to cover yourself for marine velvet and then add a tester fish that's cheap and more importantly, easy to catch in case whatever is in your system is still there. The tank must be empty of fish for the total 60 days consecutively. I would start to employ a QT regiment from this point on and QT all fish and observe before adding to the display. While the chances are on the lower side of bringing in something that'll kill your whole tank, after living through it once, I'd try to avoid it again if possible. It doesn't even have to be something crazy elaborate. For smaller fishes, I use a 5-gallon bucket with an air pump.
  23. That's going to be a clean looking setup!
  24. That's why I'm glad I live on the other side of the river. [emoji4]
  25. I didn't post pics on purpose! Go look for yourself! Its madness!
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