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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Given that you're a [reformed] scientist, and science involves math, I'd urge you to re-run those numbers! Who? What? Did I forget to carry the 1? [emoji6]
  2. I would think that's pretty standard. You'd be surprised how many fish die along the way and even at the LFS. If you think about it... in nature, before reaching adulthood, you'll probably get a 70%+ mortality rate. To add to it, think of how many are killed by hobbyist each year. I would think more fish actually die in the hands of a hobbyist than compared to the rest of the export process combined.
  3. Besides the dynamite episode, I see it as good. Responsible collecting that creates jobs and a produces a viable product.
  4. Responsible reefing... way to support that as a business and not be only focused on just profits like some other businesses.
  5. If you have some time to kill. It's an interesting video showing the export process of fish.
  6. I swapped out some phosphate bound rock from my frag tank this morning for my newly cycled dry rock I bought a couple weeks ago. I'll give it a week and then swap the other half and hopefully my phosphate woes in the frag tank will be over soon.
  7. Do you think the color will fade if I QT them for 76 days?
  8. Do they sell clear plasti-dip? Maybe I can just dip everything in it to preserve everything and that way I won't ever get any pests.
  9. Looks like lymphocystis. A virus that displays physical symptoms in stressful events. It's pretty common on angels but I've seen it occasionally on tangs as well. Nothing you can really do for it other than allow it to run its course and if it's less stressed, perhaps it'll go away with time.
  10. I'd need at least 3 boxes to look you in the eye.
  11. Not sure where you got the conclusion that they break down. Mine are as solid as when I first got them. Rinsing them initially is very important. They use alumina as a binder so you want to remove as much of that as possible in the beginning. I'd rinse like crazy and even soak it in RO/DI for awhile before using. As to continued leaching, my Al concentration has stayed the same the last two years without water changes so it demonstrates at least in my tank that the leaching stops or that there is some other process occurring that is restricting it from leaching anymore.
  12. Winner winner? Where's my chicken dinner?
  13. You can do all that and you are worried about drilling a small hole in glass?
  14. Thanks! I'm kinda excited to be that guy! If it's awful, look for the for sale thread shortly after. Trade for a box of salt...
  15. Don't forget red AND black bugsI'm pulling all my corals again and putting them through the FarmerTy Triple Dip!
  16. This was posted in the comments section of the link I posted. Can't vouch for them or anything though. http://www.aquariumspecialty.com/vertex-cerebra-prima-controller That's where I preordered it through. dear lord Ty, you'll have three aquarium computers running in your house life? There, I corrected it for you.
  17. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  18. I saw my first amphipod in over 1.5 years in my tank last night! This is why I started phasing out Bayer and started using the Potassium dip instead. Welcome home little buddy!
  19. Do it Bobcat, do it!On an entirely different and unrelated subject, who wants to buy some corals? [emoji4]
  20. Well I'll eat my words... guess I live in a ridiculous world then! [emoji15]
  21. It just happens sometimes but could occur from physical damage or poor water quality. An acro colony fell on mine and the physical damage caused the brown jelly. I treated it quick and saved the head. Juiceman was actually at my house at the time and I think he was the one that noticed it first. I was able to save the head and coincidentally, Juiceman bought it as it was from his original mother colony that died. Now that I think about it, the timing was a little too perfect. Juiceman, did you brown jelly my torch so you could get me to frag it and then end up selling it back to you? Sneaky sneaky.
  22. Exhibit A:Dull and boring, like I prefer. The one blip was me working on the sump that day where the probe was. I actually have removed my carbon doser and will sell it off. My current method doesn't really require it anymore. I'll build a fancy regulator one day with a super fancy solenoid like you guys but with nothing actually actuating right now, I'll put it off for now and put the money towards other things. I actually have to turn on my solenoid every once in awhile just to make sure it still works.
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