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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I don't believe the use of a reactor causes more rapid Mg uptake from the corals. The main usage comes from the formation of coral skeletons and from coraline algae uptake. Bpb, your system was void of SPS for awhile so I could imagine your consumption was very low for Mg. If you have very little coraline or keep up with scraping it, that could keep your usage of Mg low as well. Like Juiceman said, adding it to your calcium reactor allows it to dissolve with the regular media and supplement Mg. I wouldn't worry about an overdose. I've run Mg as high as 2,200 ppm with no issues, other than my snails started dying off at 2,000 ppm.
  2. I've never read about a correlation between Mg uptake and cutting SPS but there's plenty I haven't read so... If you have a large population of coraline algae, that would be my number 1 culprit to blame.
  3. If you are using the reborn media, I found that it's magnesium content is much lower than caribsea media so you'll have to supplement magnesium. When I was using the caribsea stuff, my Mg actually slowly went up.
  4. Heed that warning of not more than 100 ppm/day increase.
  5. Okay good. I forgot what you run alk at. I usually have mine at 7.5 dKh as well.
  6. First rule of frag club is you don't talk about it!
  7. Colors looked real good in person the other day.
  8. More surface area and potentially less thermal resistance in the tubs. Having one less fixture probably makes a huge difference as well.
  9. Hey Kevin! Glad you decided to post and come out of the shadows. Small world sir... glad we got to chat for a bit at the last meeting and hope you'll make more meetings. If the ARC staff needs me to vouch that you're human, be happy to do it. [emoji6]
  10. I'd personally keep all the fish together so that you don't have issues with fighting once they are all reintroduced back into the tank. Either that or put the biggest tangs with the corals, that way when they are reintroduced to the rest of the fish, most won't want to pick a fight with them.
  11. A big part of the function is how much dilution you have per amount of silicone used. For you water volume, you're on the safer side as it can dilute more and you're only using enough silicone to seal a bulkhead, however, its pretty thick so cure times will increase based on how thick the silicone is laid. If you were doing the same on a <100 gallon tank, I'd think not waiting may give you issues and maybe kill some tank inhabitants. In your scenario, you may be much safer but why risk it in my opinion. You can spend all this money trying to do the rock swap correct and save your fish and corals and then nuke it all by not waiting 5 more days just doesn't seem worth it. I know you mentioned you'll wait but I just wanted to explain for others reading. [emoji4]
  12. I would highly recommend the week. Before it completely cures, it can still leach stuff into the water. I really don't think I was being extra cautious with that move of waiting a week. Generally 24-48hrs to cure is what is recommended by the manufacturer but they don't account for leaching and use with aquatic animals. To me, one week minimum is the standard rule when working with reef tanks.
  13. If you used any silicone to seal that hole/bulkhead on your new tub, I'd wait at least a week for it to dry before using.
  14. Wow! Tub heaven! My next tank just might be 3 different tubs. One for fish, one for corals, and one as my sump. [emoji6]
  15. I would imagine if their initial results hold true, then the elkhorn is doomed if it cannot sexually reproduce in any way.Local fragmentation can allow pockets of corals to survive but once another bleaching event occurs, they're gone. Without the ability to sexually reproduce, their offspring cannot relocate to areas that would be more suitable for habitation. Man can interfere and try to assist but nature is much more efficient through the broadcast trial and error method that releasing viable sexually produced offspring can give you. Just my opinion of course. [emoji4]
  16. Haha, thank you for that. I appreciate someone playing along with my fake rant. [emoji106]
  17. Happy two years to my FarmerTy Bluebonnet Bottlebrush!
  18. I used to get bone cutters and chip a chunk of the rock off with it. But I've only had to deal with 3 ever in 13 years so maybe don't take my advice.
  19. The video is all blued and dull for some reason. Here's what my ORA Chips looks like in a photo. Here's the prostata.
  20. ORA Chips acro and Silverbullet Prostrata... but my wife calls them all sticks.
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