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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hey all, I'm moving along my aquarium plants carbon doser CO2 regulator. Its one of the most highly rated regulators for a calcium reactor. It's got a little corrosion on the trim of the gauges but its purely cosmetic. $200, firm, no trades.
  2. That would be a fun hide and seek tool.
  3. Should have had someone scan you and your wife to see who's hotter. [emoji23] That's pretty cool man. Me next!
  4. Definitely sump! Puffers and triggers are messy eaters and create a lot of waste. You'd get extra water volume to help dilute nutrients as well as be able to run the skimmer you have and reactors to help as well.
  5. I do have a reputation of just making things up so... [emoji6]
  6. Fluctuation is normal within the CaRX with the natural up and down pH values in the DT.
  7. My old TLF150 ran biopellets and GFO for 6 years now without a hiccup. I'm finally going to retire it this year and get something a little more stout. I haven't nearly had the used equipment issues you've had up to this point. I may just be lucky though. [emoji6]
  8. This was perfectly timed right before I left town for July 4th. Luckily I'm an equipment hoarder and had a BRS reactor I could throw all the pellets in real fast.
  9. This just reminds me of this awesome meme. Still makes me chuckle every time I see it.
  10. What are you looking at? How about a hole at the bottom of my TLF 550 reactor that I was using to run biopellets! I can honestly say I can't recommend these for biopellets anymore. The cheap plastic at the bottom will wear down eventually from the manual grinding by the biopellets tumbling and rip a hole in the bottom of the reactor. Then it'll release a horde of biopellets in your sump and they'll get sucked up by your return pump and cause a biopellet rain storm from your return pipes. Yay! [emoji53]
  11. Mine went away over time as well. There are only a few these days that are still in the tank.
  12. I still have it. I think Victoly just wanted to ruin your fun and doesn't really need it.
  13. How about exempt status in exchange for a fancy, slightly used, CO2 monitor and some good Asian food?
  14. Don't suck me back in with your guys fancy consulting speak! [emoji12]
  15. Looks like a clear tadpole. [emoji4]
  16. Man, I was just going to blame the guy who hand-selected them. He should have carried them home himself on the plane with a memory foam on the insides of the bags to protect their sensitive snouts. It very well could be something not bacterial... 4 different antibiotics didn't put a dent in it so very real possibility. I'll see I can steal the ozone generator for the next run. Better yet, I'll make him do it since I ran with the first batch and failed miserably.
  17. These are beautiful fish and somewhat rare! What a deal!
  18. Haha, oh I know about the water changes. I was just being ridiculous because I can be. Saving lives, even if it's a snails life, means more than being able to say no water changes for X amount of time.Well, sad to report that all butterflies have perished from the bacterial infections in the mouths. I used furan2 from day 1, added metroplex and kanaplex by day 3 to attack it with three different types of antiobiotics... in the end, they all succumbed. I even invited Maracyn2 late to the party to try another type of antibiotic but to no avail. Not really sure what to do from this point other than just wait until I've seen one sitting in a LFS long enough to assume that it incurred no mouth damage from shipping before I try again. Otherwise, my other two fish in QT are doing just dandy and should be able to go into the main DT sometime after July 9th when my 76-day fallow period ends. For my Ca levels dropping, it is directly related to me adjusting my CaRX to match my uptake in the tank as it ramped up. I had to do about 3-4 manual adjustments of the alk level by hand-dosing 2-part but I didn't do the Ca with it, hence the alk holding steady but the Ca dropped. For Mg, I switched two Reborn CaRX media about 2 years ago and the media just contains a lot less Mg than the old Caribsea ARM media I used prior. So my Mg level decreases monthly with uptake and I hand dosed it up. I bought NeoMag media to add to the CaRX so it can help supplement Mg as it melts in the reactor but I haven't put it in yet. I hand dosed the other day and screwed up on my calculation and accidentally dosed it to 1800 ppm. So, thats why I did the 120 gallon water change to lower that number so all my snails wouldn't die.
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