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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Tang intro was a success. Besides a little flashing here and there, the powder blue submitted pretty quickly to the purple and achilles tang. The naso didn't care about him at all which was to be expected. I think it's a good rule of thumb to introduce in a new environment if possible and with a large amount of fish so none get singled out. Obviously this is almost impossible with a standard setup with fish in the display already but easily done when all your fish are sitting in a tub. [emoji4]
  2. Picked this up at the Georgetown used reef equipment flea market (aka ol aggie's place) to replace the blown out TLF 550 reactor I used as a biopellet reactor. It'll be nice to have the recirculation option now so I can keep my tumbling speed independent of my effluent speed to really dial in the reactor to the needs of the tank. I blame the loss of this aussie shortcake mariculture on my biopellet reactor blowing up. I haven't had an SPS loss in the DT in a very long time so the timing of it RTNing was quite suspiciously correlated to my biopellet reactor dying on me.
  3. If you need to borrow my Aquarium Plants Carbon Doser I'm selling, let me know. You can use it until its sold. If you use it and just want to keep it, just show me the money Juiceman. [emoji4]
  4. Yeah, from what you mentioned as your issues, I was figuring the plumbing or the regulator was at fault, not the CaRX. I just figured you wanted an excuse to get a new reactor since you jumped on the Geo so fast! [emoji4]
  5. Hi Katie, Great size tank, I love my 215-gallon myself! Must be pretty exciting to get it! Since it sounds like a fully functioning, currently running tank, I'd probably suggest having the pros move it. I believe Timfish on ARC can handle that if he's not too busy or you can usually hit up one of the LFSs for a quote to move it. Most of the time when we get a bunch of people together to move a tank is when its empty. There's just less logistics to worry about and try to keep track of so anybody can just show up, grab a corner, and lift. The last full tank breakdown, move, and setup I was part of was a disaster as most of the corals died and fish as well. The person didn't prepare anything before and didn't have new water ready at the new house. We did our best to transport everything safely but without proper planning, it ended up as you could best expect. Plus, it also took up all the volunteers day up. Something we thought was going to be just 2-3 hrs ended up being an almost 6-7 hr day by the end of it. I'm all for always pitching in to help but an almost 8hr day is more of a job than just trying to help. If you do want to still tackle it yourself, perhaps you can get over there and get the corals and fish first and then have volunteers help lift and move an empty tank later on? Hopefully OceanTraveler chimes in here as she just paid people to move her tank not too long ago.
  6. Uhhh, nevermind. Can't do it that day. Some dote of a husband forgot that it is our anniversary that day.
  7. Uh yeah, gonna need more info on that! You can't just drop a bomb like that and run Ian! [emoji15]
  8. Good advice here. I tried to make a pretty zoa/paly garden once and my palys just overshadowed and shaded out all my zoas. Not the look I was going for.
  9. Or roiding your corals up with acropower before the fight! He tested positive for aspartic acid!
  10. I wish I still had my hydnophora. We can do alleyway coral fights and if the cops show, grab and run!
  11. Woohoo! Look at me! I'm crazy! Give me attention!
  12. And we're done. If you want to order the BLU-Ray, order now and it'll be free shipping and handling for the next 10 callers.
  13. Wait, I joined ARC in 2007 and you joined in 2009. I think I was pretty acclimated by the time you came around Tim. How come it didn't work out? Wait, did you just call me an old geezer?! The "mature one"!
  14. And we're live folks. Action happening in 5 mins...
  15. Show starts at 9pm, with the opening fight between 4 new fighting conchs I'll be adding to the DT to the 2 existing ones.The main event will be at 930pm and I'll live stream that over at FarmerTy.com. Stay tuned!
  16. Future location of World War 3: I'll be combining all of my smaller tangs to introduce them all to the new powder blue tang that just got out of QT. -blonde naso tang -purple tang -achilles tang -powder blue tang I'm leaving the yellow belly hippo and orange shoulder tang out of it. They are so much bigger I don't think they'd even look twice at the PBT. Wish me luck! I'll try to record a video if happy hour doesn't get the best of me. [emoji4]
  17. I've had by my wild guesstimate, probably over 200+ different types of coral at one point or another over the last 12 years. It would take a month to write down all the interactions, which is why I haven't responded. In general, I just don't let any touch if possible. Oh, and nothing beats a hydnophora.
  18. Wait, I joined ARC in 2007 and you joined in 2009. I think I was pretty acclimated by the time you came around Tim. How come it didn't work out?
  19. I always like the look of a tank being dominated by a ton of small fishes than a few large fishes. Don't take my own tank for example as I have a bunch of large fishes. Keep the tang and just add some wrasses and anthias and call it a day. They eat lots and have high metabolisms so hopefully that'll keep your nitrates where you want them.
  20. FWIW, I mean no offense to Sam but those tangs needed a bigger tank than what he had. There was really no open swimming space and nasos and hippos need a ton of lateral space to swim back and forth. They were healthy as all get out but just looked cramped everytime I saw them. Luckily he's in the market for a larger tank so those giant tangs can stretch out a bit soon. I don't know if you want to go tang crazy in there but you could look at other options as well. Even just getting a bunch more smaller fish may be helpful, such as anthias or wrasses. Personally, the craziest fish I ever owned was a yellow tang. She would just streak across the tank for no reason, flash at nobody... just did it because she felt like she needed to. Her nervous energy always spooked the other fish but they eventually got used to her craziness. I would probably never keep one again after the experience with her. I was actually thinking a foxface but looks like that option may be off the table.
  21. Nice, I may have to look into the concentrated peroxide soak as well!
  22. Here are my thoughts. Mike has a solid theory on the fish, either keep it mininally stocked, or stock it enough that no fish has the ability to stake out a territory. The problem I see is either way the yellow will need to be removed as it has claimed the tank as its territory already. Adding another large fish is going to encite a war. The yellow tang will defend its territory. If the yellow was added with other large fish together, they'd more than likely all coexist. You can either remove the yellow and put it in another tank for awhile, get your new big fish and introduce them all together, or if you are able to actually catch the yellow, just move him along to another home that is more suitable.
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