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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Happy tank birthday!
  2. I have a spare Jaebo 12000 if you need something to hold you over.
  3. Hilarious analogy man! [emoji23]
  4. Same, I see one every once in a bluemoon but then I never see it again. You must be dumping steroids in your tank!
  5. Do you need it to be baffled or just any 30g tank will work?
  6. Clowns have a high tendency to get brooklynella as well so doublecheck to make sure you don't have that. With the freshwater dip, you should have seen a lot of little white dots fall off your fish. Unlike ich, the freshwater dip should dislodge and kill a lot of marine velvet dinospores and give the fish immediate relief at least. Chloroquine phosphate is effective for velvet, brooklynella, and ich so it's great for situations where you can't 100% tell which one it is. I've used it in the form of NLS Ich Powder, which I believe RCA and Aquadome carry. Just remove the fish, and if there are other fish in the tank with it, I'd remove them and treat them all together as well. Keep in mind that CP degrades under UV light so use only ambient room light, no need to put a direct light over the tank. Don't use carbon, a skimmer, or a UV sterilizer during this process. Also, no live rock or sand in the treatment tank as it will absorb some of the CP and lower your effective dosage. Do not mix medications either. When doing water changes to keep on top of the increasing ammonia level in the treatment tank without biofiltration, add back in enough CP to replace what was removed via water changes. I.e., you did a 10 gallon water change, add 10 gallons worth of CP back in the treatment tank.
  7. I consider that just reminding people what's really in their heart... Which is to please the people that pressure you the most.
  8. I've heard about this new trend of hiding the display tank and showcasing the sump instead. Like reverse reefing...
  9. Welcome to the club Steven! That's great that you are carrying on the vision for your son! Do you have any setup pictures of the tank? Or an equipment list to let us know what you're working with?
  10. Cue Ty's giggle. Let's keep this PG. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Bwahaha! I did exactly that! It's good to have reef friends that get you!
  11. I really like the minimalist aquascape! It looks clean!
  12. FarmerTy


    Welcome Christian!
  13. Wow, prolific little things!
  14. You'll need a solenoid which is usually built right with the regulator assembly and some type of controller that monitors pH, ideally two probes, one for the reactor and one for the tank.
  15. Nope! Just like with Victoly, I've already moved on... [emoji12]
  16. You move it to the 3rd floor and maintain it and you got a deal. :-)Let's get you started on that no water change program!Really though, we're losing out on a great part of our community with you taking a hiatus. We'll be here ready to welcome you back when you jump back in. [emoji106]
  17. Oh no! [emoji53] How about I maintain it for you? [emoji4]
  18. I already have an Apex on the frag tank! I just need to buy some doser pumps. I guess I better get on that before I burn myself out. If I get a bigger frag tank, which is not in the cards anytime in the near future, I'd totally be going no water change on that too. Just just want to be able to drive over and grab all the frags you can carry, don't you? [emoji6]
  19. Oh yeah, believe me... as I've done my 10,000th tank transfer by now, if I see ich again, I'm shipping my achilles and PBT out and running with ich maintenance again like I have been for the 11 years prior... that and maybe some unexplained holes in the wall from me trying to put my head through it. Yeah, I'm ready for my lazy reefing ways again. That way I can post more and bug all you peeps on the club more and less on actually maintaining the QT and frag tank.
  20. FarmerTy

    Berghia buy

    Goodness Kim! I don't remember seeing much at the meeting you hosted in the Spring. Was this more recently?
  21. I do both via tapatalk, posting pics and also following/unfollowing any threads.
  22. Finally updated both media reactors in the tank and have moved on from the TLF brand that has taken care of me for so long. Technically I can start adding fish back in the tank as of this past Saturday but I wanted to make sure that the powder blue tang was actually ich-free. I've placed all fish in the tub and have monitored for any signs of ich as the PBT swims amongst them now. So far so good but its only been 5 days so I'll give it a bit longer to make sure before they are added to the DT If they aren't ich-free now, it'll be easy to do the 12 days of TTM again while they are all sitting in the tub. The alternative is reinfecting the display tank and having to go fallow for 76 days for the 3rd time! For the frag tank, I am starting to suspect that my consumption of alkalinity is not 2.6 dKh/day as that daily increasing number seems absurd now... lots of acro frags or not! I think I have some chemistry issues with that tank so I'll take a closer look at it. I'm thinking my Mg level is not accurate and not really at 1400 ppm and that's causing my alk/Ca to precipitate out of solution, making me think its being used but that maybe is not the case. Either way, I'll try to spend some time tonight diagnosing it. The display tank is much happier now with the Mg back to a normal level. I always knew that high Mg would slow down or eventually kill snails but after lowering the level, I noticed that my urchins are much more active now as well, so I am assuming it may affect them also. The added snails and the much more active urchins have been mowing down the algae like no other the last week. I think I may see live rock again in about 2-3 weeks timeframe. At least I can almost guarantee when the angels and tangs hit the water, there won't be a speck of algae left where they can pick at it. That's all the updates I have. I'm happy to be mostly done with QT, it's quite the pain and is the first thing in awhile that has made me question leaving the hobby at some point. Maybe I just got used to my lazy reefer ways of no water changes so this super hands on QT'ing is wearing me out. Same with the frag tank, I've been hand-dosing 2.0 dKh daily and testing every day and its starting to wear me out as well. The goal was to have it water change free as well but that's not the case currently. If I don't resolve the issue with the dosing, I think shutting down the frag tank is a real possibility. I've never felt a slave to my tank ever in the last 12 years until I starting QT'ing everything for at least 45 days and also after starting a separate frag tank.
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