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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Nice! That fungia plate looks a lot happier now Tom!
  2. This was my 3rd regal attempt, and the last two broke my heart when they died. It's my coveted fish and I swore it off as I didn't want to kill anymore trying. Then I came across one that was eating already and it was a red sea one (yellow belly = super expensive). I thought one more try with one that's eating already. Then when she wasn't eating in my presence, I panicked and didn't want another death on my hands. By day 7, I made the call! Don't get me wrong, I'm super-elated that I have a gorgeous red sea regal angelfish in my tank right now eating pellets. Its the ich in the DT now that depressed me but honestly, looking back, I'd make that decision again 99 out of 100 times. [emoji3] She's purdy!
  3. Best quote of the year!
  4. I'm going to be shutting down the frag tank after C4. I've realized between the frag tank, the QT of the fish, and me getting my fish room/office shutdown from the wife, that I really don't want to run 3 tanks anymore, one fish tub, one frag tank, and my display. I think it's robbed me of the joy of keeping a saltwater tank. I'm still undecided about what to do with the tub of fish and ich in the DT with the regal angel. Oh, and just to answer anybody's question about ich, no, it's not a myth. You can get rid of it. I've have 6 months of my achilles in my tub with no ich. I've introduced a powder blue to the tub and still no ich. They squabble with the purple tang and the orange shoulder tang daily, potentially under stressful conditions with nitrates that are through the roof, fighting between each other, phosphates are are beyond my Hanna test limits, and still no ich. I hope that convinces those that doubt or not if it can ever be totally rid of. I understand if you don't see it, it could still be there. I hardly ever saw it with my ich-maintenance method for the last 12 years, though I always knew it was still there as when the fish were stressed, it would pop back up. In the tub, it is non-existent. Stress or not, it will just not come out of nowhere to infect the fish. It is truly ich-free. The problem is me feeling the need to save the regal angelfish and introducing it to my DT prior to finishing the tank transfer method and introducing ich back into the main display in exchange for its life. It's healthy, happy, and fat from all the pellets it eats now and anything it finds on the rocks. I'll just need to treat the regal angelfish for ich and allow the tank to go fallow once more. Whether I decide to do that or not I'm not sure. I may just get rid of the achilles and powder blue tang and go back to an ich-maintenance tank. The rest of my fish population can handle ich no problem. Anyways, less of a rant today, more of a whine about how exhausted I am with the non-display tanks I have to maintain.
  5. Take that rock out and dip the whole thing!!!
  6. I've been out of the zoa game for awhile. What are these?
  7. It's pretty close actually. I think this is a better iteration. And don't forget I asked if you wanted to help Haha, I was just ribbing you. Looks pretty close to the same concept.
  8. That's not how we had the rock scape! [emoji23]
  9. Nice, that starfish has a similar body style to my blue linkia I have.I don't even want to QT my own fish anymore at this point!
  10. Last I measured, 700 par at the top of my 29" deep tank, 350-400 par in the middle of the tank, and 150-200 par on the sand.
  11. Same hardware-wise other than they added leg mounts and stopped using the rubberized coating and went with a painted metal body which will probably hold up better in the long run.
  12. Oh good, those sea spider rolls that I released in your tank are doing their thing! Kidding.Was it one that was looking unhappy already or did it happen out of nowhere?
  13. I'm a big fan of fishes living in tubs. I prefer the first picture.
  14. I was trying to hook a brother up and you Caesar'ed me! Et tu Bobcat?
  15. It's all yours sir. I was only giving testimony to how great the lights are. I already have 5 so I don't need anymore. [emoji4]
  16. Welcome to ARC sir. Glad you joined up and looking forward to your build. If you don't want to drop the coin for the Radions yet, I'd look into the Ocean Revive T247 fixtures. Cheap and effective and can hold you over until the dream tank occurs.
  17. I'd start a new thread to keep Bobcat's build thread clean. [emoji4]
  18. Oh no, they're lining up already! [emoji6]
  19. I really want the regal angelfish... I would like the achilles and powder blue but my heart won't break if I don't have them. I'm still in decision mode... part of that will be made by the wife too so I may not have a choice. 160 days of a tub is one thing, pushing it to 240 days in the house and my long leash might get really short here soon enough. Haha.
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