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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Hey you calcium reactor loving reefers out there. In the spirit of sharing information, everyone post their effluent rate and bubble rate if known. A FTS and some specs of the system would be nice too. I'll go first: CaRX - MTC Procal Effluent rate - 0.5 L/min Bubble rate - 1-2 bubbles/sec pH - 6.45-6.55 Media - TLF Reborn Uptake - 2.5 dKh/ daily Calcium - 440 ppm Alk - 7.5 dKh Mg - 1400 ppm NO3 - 5 ppm PO4 - 0.03 ppm Salinity - 1.025 Avg temp - 81 degrees
  2. He was just trying to help you out since he knows it's hard for you to reach.... Is it not impressive to have 3 year old thriving SPS system without ever touching the bottom of the tank once? [emoji12] I'm about 3-4" too short on the wingspan for that task.
  3. That's how I frag my SPS... stick a broom in my tank and swish it around. Juiceman taught me that little trick like years ago.
  4. Nice setup! That's gonna look real clean once you get it up and running. I really don't know about the level question so I'll let someone else answer that.
  5. Haha! I thought about it. I had a blue background on my 75 back in the day. I like the black better.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk *FarmerTy removing Juiceman from his friend list*
  6. Go blue with the background. We can be background buddies.
  7. I forgot about frag swaps. Maybe have a priest exercise(?) it before c4. I am a little tired of two tanks too. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk But that frag tank runs 24/7 so I don't think any additional exercise will help. [emoji12] Two tanks is not in my lazy reefing future.
  8. I mainly go because of the speakers and the door prizes. I think I've won something every year I've gone.The frag swap is just an extra bonus of the conference to me. Cool, where do I sign up? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk http://capitalcitycoralcorral.com/node/321
  9. I mainly go because of the speakers and the door prizes. I think I've won something every year I've gone.The frag swap is just an extra bonus of the conference to me.
  10. You might have to change your screenname to KimB, for "berghias". That's a really cool side project you have going in our fun little reefing hobby.
  11. Yeah, you'll most likely lose those pineapple sponges over time. In my new tanks, they almost always get replaced with other types of sponges and I see less and less of the pineapple ones over the course of a year.
  12. Can't tell but it seems filamentous and maybe not dinos. Dinos usually looks like snot with bubbles in it. If you try to grab it, it feels gooey, sorry for the lack of a more scientific term. If you take some and shake it in a vial, it will mostly disappear in the solution. Then give it time and it'll reform into the same snot consistency. That's how you can tell its dinos.
  13. Oh yeah, not selling the tank. That's my frag swap tank. You'll see it doing its thing at C4!
  14. Oh man, if it wasn't, I think I'd quit and do something that keeps my interest. I obviously get bored easily.The main thing I regret with the frag tank was not running a CaRX immediately with the tank... That and don't be an idiot and use phosphate bound rock to start it off. [emoji12] Even with that, just having to worry about a 2nd tank I realize is more than I ever want to do. So I'm kind of glad I had the complications, else, I'll be wearing myself out still running two tanks.
  15. I like to look at it as a running experiment than a waste of time. I've confirmed that it is indeed possible to cram a purple tang, orange shoulder tang, blue hippo tang, naso tang, achilles tang, and powder blue tang all together in a tiny 50-gallon water volume with 10 other fish, a tiny skimmer, and 80lbs of live rock and keep them all happy and disease free, especially ich free, and not ever have to change their water. The live rock was another fun experiment. I quick cycled the rock, 12 days in a tub with a pump and some bacteria in a bottle. After only 12 days, it was able to keep up with the ammonia/nitrite produced from 15 fish, some quite large, with just a small skimmer and me feeding a ton of food daily to it. Yes, sadly I am not enjoying my fish in the tank but I'm a long-term goal kind of guy... and in the right situations, have great patience. This oddly doesn't translate to driving for some reason. That is true, I was pretty apathetic towards my frag tank getting bombed by calcium precipitate. I was more upset that I lost 3 snails and an urchin. Luckily, once everything came back, I only tallied 4 frags of lepto and 4 frags of sunset monti that I lost. All the zoas survived and all the acros I had already moved to the main tank the week prior. I came out quite lucky. I know it may sound weird but the tub has its own beauty to it. I think it kind of reminds me of a koi pond, like the ones my dad used to keep when I was a kid. And lately, I've gotten to enjoy a perspective of the fish I would normally not be able to enjoy, the top of them, like koi. The saltwater fish beauty is usually only appreciated from the side so I appreciate the new perspective. I do appreciate your input sir! I think my energy has been recharged a bit with reefing and I'm starting to think I have the energy to keep this up for another 76 days. I think I'm feeling the 76 days again and keep all the fish. I'm not really fighting ich, just trying to eradicate it from the display. There's only one fish with ich, sadly, he's the one that is in the tank already. I took a calculated risk to save his life and unfortunately, it wasn't in my favor and he infected the display with ich again. He is perfectly happy with the ich and shows less of it lately. I know if I add all the other fish into the tank now, minus the achilles and powder blue tang, then they would all be fine and not have any issues with the ich-maintained tank. I just want an ich free tank, hence the 76 days again. Yes, all the other fish are happy and living together already, minus the regal angel. Yes, all the bickering has occurred. No ich anywhere.
  16. It will once the cloud is up and running. They underestimated the issues that they encountered transferring it from their in-house servers to the Amazon servers. While a little annoying, I have to keep in mind that the controller is still beta and that they completely took fault for the underestimation of the issues they would encounter migrating the cloud service to Amazon servers. It's refreshing to have a company straight out just say, my bad, we underestimated how difficult something would be and work their tails off to make it right. Glad they are working on it, I really want it to be a major competitor in the controller arena. Where are you getting the news on it from? My googling hasn't turned up anything. It will once the cloud is up and running. They underestimated the issues that they encountered transferring it from their in-house servers to the Amazon servers. While a little annoying, I have to keep in mind that the controller is still beta and that they completely took fault for the underestimation of the issues they would encounter migrating the cloud service to Amazon servers. It's refreshing to have a company straight out just say, my bad, we underestimated how difficult something would be and work their tails off to make it right. There's a time to jump off the band wagon! Great customer support is one thing, but not having the dev staff to make the hop to AWS is concerning! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk BorntoHula - I get all my info directly from the Cerebra support staff and engineers on the Cerebra forum, that's only accessible to Cerebra owners. Bluemoon- I'm still just running beside the bandwagon for now. Haven't jumped on but still close enough that I can jump on if desired. The support staff and engineers have been great with the revisions and updates. The dev staff is working like crazy to get it online but I think a part of it too is since they are spending a lot of time taking care of the initial round of fixes, they may be holding back the cloud function as they know they'll get their second hit of bugs to fix at that point. That's my theory at least. Either way, it's still in Beta so I won't be too hard on them.
  17. Don't forget to wear a hoodie so they won't recognize you and run like crazy afterwards!
  18. Great lookong SPS and growth! Are you sure you have diatoms? They are mostly concentrated on the sandbed where all the silicate usually resides. If it's mainly on your rocks, you may have cyano... Or much worst... Dinos. Sadly from the pictures, I'm thinking dinos. Can you take a better picture of it?
  19. How far are you away from having everything put back together and scaped?
  20. Hi salty kat! Can you list your parameters from your last testing session? Also the brands of test kits? Hopefully we can help you figure out what's going on.
  21. I would almost take him on principal of that awesome post alone but alas... I have no room for jerks in my tank. [emoji4]
  22. That is the sweetest maintained tank I've seen in town! I want to see more Josh. How about a video next time you're there? For us reef geeks? How have the acros been doing in that deep of a tank? What have you been using to light it?
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