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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. I never feed it. Where did you get the other sunburst anemone? Also, that was a quick picture of it not inflated and also under my T5 lighting which tends to enhance red/orange coloration.
  2. What kind of anemone is this Ty?! Colorada Sunburst Anemone
  3. Good score! I'd maybe start that gold torch in the sand bed. They are quite finicky when first added to a tank.
  4. I thought he was going to eat me! Here's the sweet sump setup. http://youtu.be/n1pTpWiSCnQ
  5. I was pretty sure he photoshopped that awesome aquascape and it wasn't real so I let myself in with my Realtor all-access key and recorded a video for proof. I guess it is legit! 'Scape looks great! Jimbo, enjoy it on the 4k TV.
  6. On the sandbed currently but you'll get the best colors in low light with that one.
  7. He's absolutely wearing it as a hat and that confirms he's my crab for sure if he's overcompensating.
  8. I showed the video to my emerald crabs and this happened.
  9. Nope! Possession is 9/10ths of the law! [emoji48]
  10. Well, I haven't had much time to play with it with my unexpected temporary roommate moving in and my vacation. I did want to drop this below. I won a magnetic probe holder from Vertex and they sent me all this with it. They probably figured I was a little bummed that I didn't win the grand prize... They gave away two of those! Wow!
  11. Did someone say experiment? [emoji4]
  12. I think everyone didn't want to work yesterday. Goofing around on the forums sounded much more fun. I'm happy using the Mg supplement in my CaRX to dose. I just wanted to have the peristaltic pump in my arsenal in case I ever needed to slowly dose anything. I may throw it on the DT to dose aminos or potassium nitrate in that meantime since I won't have any fish bioload in the tank again.
  13. Nice man. I say ditch the center rocks and that tonga sticking out of the left structure looks like it's giving me an Aggie thumbs-up. Whoop! [emoji106]
  14. I'm pretty sure this is a picture of her before her arrest for trying to auction off the colosseum ruins.I got $5 here... anybody got $10?
  15. Degenerates! Get off my lawn! [emoji14]
  16. It's moved on to another plane of existence... nobody really looks at it as a build thread anymore.
  17. Sometimes I feel like my build thread is the lounge...
  18. I've been working the northside of 1431 for some time now. Pham knows he runs the southside of 1431... stay in your area Pham. We don't want trouble.
  19. You have to find them on the black market in Round Rock. I just hung out in an alley up there all day and Isaac drove by in his car and we both nodded at each other and knew the deal was down.
  20. nah, then mine wouldnt have been picked. whole time travel thing/butterfly effect thing. Darn you Ashton Kutcher! You've been a thorn in my side for too long now!
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