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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. +1, the power head trick worked for me.
  2. I'm looking forward to this! The door prizes alone are worth the trip to San Antonio, let alone the frags you'll find at the swap.
  3. Was the game as exciting the 2nd time around???? It actually was pretty cool to see some of the action replayed to see what actually happened. The game crew was a little slow on giving us replays at that game.
  4. Played 2.5 hrs of basketball this morning... the 3rd day in a row of basketball in the mornings. Wife made me watch the UT game all over again since we DVR'ed it while we were at the game. Finally glued my green slimer colony in place... now I have no idea where to put the Mr. Pacman acro colony I have. Went to pick up some pH calibration solution from RCA... it's probe calibration day!!! Wooohooo!
  5. Swap to the red sea salt if you want now. I see no difference or reason to though. If its the Red Sea Pro salt, all you'll do is just jack up your alk/ca/mg levels since the salt has higher levels of all of those. I'd say go slow. You are essentially starting a new tank with cycled rock. The bacteria levels in the rock still need to catch up to the bioload of your tank so throwing everything in there at once may not be ideal. I'd move over some tester colonies and see if how goes. If everything looks good after a week, then move some more, etc...
  6. Thanks for the feedback! I'll aim for more facetime in the next video! [emoji4]
  7. Agreed. Ozone can be dangerous if left unchecked and will impact everything in a tank, whereas UV will only kill what passes through the reaction chamber.I haven't gotten to research it much yet. What is the main risk to worry about? An out off control ozone generator?What would be the effects of pumping too much ozone into the system? Destruction of the bacterial population in the tank? Oxidative effects on soft tissue of gills on fish and on flesh of corals? Are there any long-term worries? Any health and safety concerns for the household? The main risk is some of the secondary byproducts of ozone dosing, if the dosing is too high. The first one that comes to mind is a bromide byproduct which has a very similar effect chlorine/chloramine. Like you intimated, it's a strong oxidant and can be removed with GAC. I would think coral irritation, gill irritation and bacterial reduction could all be potential side effects. I'm not aware of any long term effects and I don't think there are household safety issues AFAIK. Agreed. Ozone can be dangerous if left unchecked and will impact everything in a tank, whereas UV will only kill what passes through the reaction chamber.I haven't gotten to research it much yet. What is the main risk to worry about? An out off control ozone generator? What would be the effects of pumping too much ozone into the system? Destruction of the bacterial population in the tank? Oxidative effects on soft tissue of gills on fish and on flesh of corals? Are there any long-term worries? Any health and safety concerns for the household? Short answer, yes.The main risk is the oxidation effects of ozone. In salt water ozone will oxidize compounds and create toxic forms of that someone. I believe Boron is the main concern, but I would have to look it up to be certain. Whenever I run ozone I run a TON of carbon to scrub out any toxic compounds created. Also, high ozone levels are harmful to fish and to anyone in the household. If we run ozone at the lowest level (300 ppb) and something goes wrong and it runs continuously or at a higher concentration, then that ozone starts saturating the air inside the house. So let's say the house has a concentration of 200 ppb, the EPA NAAQS limit for ozone is 70 ppb! I spend a lot of time working with high concentrations of ozone in my career and I'll tell you when I've been breathing elevated levels of ozone I start feeling very wheezy and I have trouble breathing easily. High ozone levels leads to respiratory issues and oxidizes compounds in the air like NO into NO2, which is toxic to breathe. So if something goes wrong, then yes, you'll be putting your tank inhabitants and house inhabitants in danger. I've seen my anemones deflate and become ticked when I run ozone for more than a few minutes, so I imagine every animal feels that way when running ozone. Thanks fellas. Its good to know people still in the biz! I think I'm going to limit mine and my dog's chances of visiting the ER again. I'm on a short leash with the wife already.
  8. Agreed. Ozone can be dangerous if left unchecked and will impact everything in a tank, whereas UV will only kill what passes through the reaction chamber.I haven't gotten to research it much yet. What is the main risk to worry about? An out off control ozone generator? What would be the effects of pumping too much ozone into the system? Destruction of the bacterial population in the tank? Oxidative effects on soft tissue of gills on fish and on flesh of corals? Are there any long-term worries? Any health and safety concerns for the household?
  9. Thank you for taking the time to give such great tips and great observations! I don't know how I missed your comment earlier. I'm a goof in real life so I think I'd like to try to incorporate that more in the next videos. I just don't know how that'll translate in a video versus real life.
  10. My goals for the ozone are clearing water (breakdown of organics to be skimmed or consumed) and disease prevention. I don't think I'll ever run it full time but based off the ORP. It will be injected into my skimmer so it will also be based on that turn over. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I'd be interested in your results. I've thought about trying ozone as well and maybe lean towards that more than using the UV sterilizer full-time.
  11. I was about to say... I don't remember that many palm trees in your backyard sir.
  12. Thanks guys. It took me 4-5 years so I may not be the model of inspiration you need for fragging. Haha. I had the same knee jerk reaction when I saw a LFS employee get too close and then he demonstrated that it wouldn't even cut you. I tried it myself and yeah, nothing. If you leave it, well yeah, it'll eventually sand away your skin.
  13. SPIDERS Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Hater!
  14. That's it, who wants to help me cut that 50+ foot sycamore tree down? Thanks for crunching the numbers Jeff. If an aborist ever says that tree needs to come down, I'm giving you a call.
  15. I thought i saw a couple of sumps for sale in the classifieds section of the forum. You may want to browse there and see if anything will work for you.
  16. Maybe I can do an open house one day where people who want frags can all swing by on that day. Or let's kick up another beer:30 meetup and can bring all the frags there. [emoji4] I won't be able to go to the Sept meeting sadly. It's my niece's birthday that day. I have uncle duties.
  17. QT if possible is my opinion.
  18. At least it's my own tree doing the blocking so I can't get too mad.
  19. I hired him because he's an up and coming YouTube star in the making!Jolie would probably not support reefing I'm guessing.
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