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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. FarmerTy

    New to ARC

    Welcome to the club!
  2. Wait around a month a I have a sneaking suspicion there will be a large number of refurbished Note 7's for your choosing.
  3. This phone is fun... https://youtu.be/nRH4rqcu-Qw Even with the looming threat of explosions around every corner... Danger Zone!
  4. Best I could diagram. There's a pump behind the rock structure on the right that pushes water up and into the sterilizer from the bottom. Water exits the sterilizer at the top and then is channeled behind the left rock structure back into the display tank.
  5. Boom! I demand a repick on the raffle prizes last swap! You're supposed to let one Austinite win so they can go back and tell everyone what great odds it is to win! [emoji6]
  6. Yeah, that coral has quickly become my most valued colony. It is growing at an unbelievable rate too. When I got it from you it was a tiny little stick, now it has at least 6 branches starting to bud off. Maybe in a couple of years it will be a beautiful grand table Super fast grower... You'll have that colony much quicker than you think.
  7. Kind of hard to find consistently anywhere but if you're not in a rush, one will pop up.
  8. Hey, that's a pretty sweet looking red planet there! [emoji106]
  9. I think your Mg test is broken... either that or you need to stick to your day job... Or wait... you're a scientist during the day. Career change? (He's a good bud folks... a ribbing is expected)[emoji23] From memory, I think ammonium is the most readily uptaken form but don't quote me on that. I prefer to have a stable base of 5ppm of nitrates for the corals but I do feed micro foods such as coral frenzy and dose amino acids about 2x/week. I'd do all of this a lot less if I actually had fish in the tank. That may be awhile though... [emoji19]
  10. I'd check neighboring cities as well. I occasionally see a good sized tank pop up in San Antonio or Houston if you are willing to drive.
  11. So, we finally have beta cloud access. It's still in its infancy but looks promising so far. The first three pictures are just straight beta as you can see there are no bells and whistles regarding format and aesthetics. The last picture was an example one Vertex posted with some more refinements. I'm looking forward to the electrical cost calculator since it can monitor usage on every plug. It would be nice to know how much its costing me per month to run this monster. [emoji4] Hopefully mine isn't as expensive as their example tank. [emoji12]
  12. I also had the opportunity to plumb by new UV sterilizer in. I actually did it a couple months back but goofed and plumbed it backwards the first time. I had water entering at the top and flowing out the bottom. Bad idea! It caused air to build up in the bottom chamber and was really noisy. Add to the fact that I thought it'd be smart to bump up the flow and blast the air bubbles out of the system and all I really did was overpreesurize the unit and blow a quartz sleeve. That's was a fun $50 mistake. Live and learn. Not the most beautiful plumbing work but I was just happy to finally get it done! It does limit my access behind the tank on the far end but it's mostly accessible from the front anyways so I can live with that. Now its running nice and smooth with no drips or no sound. I think if everything is still drip free by this evening, I'll go ahead and kick on the UV again. That should help a bit with the pesky bubble algae I've been gifted with. The hope is I'll also get some time to catch my regal angel out of the tank and start my fallow period over... take 3! I've left him in the tank a bit longer to fatten him up and start getting him to eat other foods than just pellets. He really hasn't accepted anything else sadly but he is not getting thinner so I guess pellets will do. I'll snag him out, run him through TTM, then put him in his own 30g tank. I'll slowly add the smaller angels to the tank with him once he gets accustomed to it and see how they interact. If everything goes well with the flame, potters, and majestic, then I'll add the emperor and see how it goes. If everyone gets along, then I'll put them all back into the tub with the regal in tow. I don't foresee any of the tangs messing with it, except maybe the purple tang but I'll take my chances. One last update, I haven't gotten a chance to play much with the Cerebra but I was kind of waiting for them to kick on the cloud access before really getting into it too much yet. We are getting closer now and so I'll play with it more now. Otherwise, it's been doing what I need it to which isn't much right now with the fish tub but I hope to start playing around with its advanced options more soon. I'll see if I can update with a schematic on how the UV is plumbed later this weekend for those that are curious and also some screenshots of the soon to be online functioning cloud setup for the Cerebra.
  13. Had a good evening of testing last night. Everything looks good except my nitrates were too low so I reduced the biopellet reactor effluent and dosed some potassium nitrate to bring the level up to 4ppm of nitrates. This would explain my lighter colors I've been observing. I also dosed my Ca level back up from 390-420 as it dipped a bit when I was retuning my CaRX a month back. Sal - 1.026 Ca - 390ppm dosed to 420ppm Alk - 7.5 dKh Mg - 1400ppm NO3 - 0.25ppm dosed to 4ppm PO4 - 0 ppm
  14. oh, is this the one i signed up as a beta and heard nothing back? bastages!Me too! Jerks!
  15. Keep at it Manta! You'll clear some room for more corals and fund it at the same time!
  16. Let me see if I can be a beta tester! [emoji6]
  17. I say we hit up Rock Rose in the Domain. There will be plenty of places for a larger group to have some beers and be cool with people coming and going.
  18. Haha, all evidence somehow mysteriously disappeared. [emoji12] I actually wish I still had my overalls but I think my college girlfriend walked off with them.
  19. Believe it or not, I was a Yell Leader at the Galveston Campus. [emoji106]
  20. Thanks for taking the time to put this together!
  21. Wait...aren't you an Aggie? I live in a divided house. [emoji6] Sadly, after my wife went to grad school at UT, more of my money went there than A&M. [emoji22]
  22. I'm game! The last one was a riot! Perfect opportunity for me to meet people for frag pickups too! Woohoo!
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