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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Pictures with the wife's new iPhone for comparison.
  2. I enjoy my LED and T5 mix on my tank.
  3. Nice! Why don't you bring those over one day and we can blast my SPS colonies as a trial run! [emoji6]
  4. My overall light is about 8 hrs with a combination of T5 and LED lights. I'm a believer in the photo-inhibition discussed by Dana Riddle, he actually did a talk on it at one of the C4's. Great data and great test he conducted. In spite of the data, I still run 8 hrs but that's more for my viewing pleasure then for the corals energy needs.
  5. Ahhh, when you said turn things into RCA, I just assumed locals. [emoji4]
  6. Depends on the heal time but otherwise, I doubt it. Going from a happy SPS tank to another one with similar parameters, no heal time is even needed. Do I know these friends of yours? I thought I pretty much knew all the SPS people in town.
  7. I understand it can be frustrating because I went through it myself before. Maybe a good break is what is needed for SPS and like you said, just run this tank for now until you decide to start a new tank and run with the whole new setup. I only mentioned pest because the last time you couldn't figure it out, it ended up being AEFWs. It seems like you have observed different issues this time around. My guess is bacterial and I feel like the maris are to blame for setting off your tank to RTN... even the aquacultered stuff. Obviously that's a wild guess but just what I'm leaning to.
  8. Sorry for unexplained rotten luck with SPS. I'd do the Triton test (Order from Unique Corals) and send one off just to see if anything looks odd. I wouldn't read into exact concentrations but more so trends. I've had maris go up on me and affect solid, stable aquacultured colonies in the tank so I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility. I assumed when it happened to me that it was bacterial in nature. Also, I know last time the issue was undetected pests. Perhaps a reoccurence?
  9. FTS with a missing background and frags/colonies everywhere on my sandbed. Regal angel Left side of tank
  10. I am starting to see how a little bit of movement by the gonis on the sandbed is a good contrast to the motionless SPS above them in the rocks. They seem to enjoy the higher flow I have in the tank for the SPS. https://vimeo.com/183474616
  11. Wow, those are like my dream dimensions for a tank. I'll just have to live vicariously through you! It's going to be awesome!
  12. I didn't want to say anything but... he's not the best interviewer in the world. At least he's trying so can't knock that. People get better with practice.
  13. That's pretty gross and cool at the same time. Any chance you could turn the phone sideways and record another one so we can see better detail with the video?
  14. I was hoping to plumb the systems together. I mean, my skimmer can skim anything! Thank you sir!
  15. I think I'll use this design as a basis and modify to my needs.
  16. You guys make a good point. I'll stay out of the way for feedings. Now how to repurpose that skimmer and auto-neck cleaner...
  17. I was going to go with no mechanical filtration. Planning to use either a deep carpet bed or one of those fancy new carpet turf scrubbers.
  18. Oh yes! I also picked up two dosers last month. I think I'll work on autodosing babyfood. That gives me two formulations to work with for variety. Anybody have a feed schedule for a newborn baby?
  19. Man, great work! That giant gate door looks like something straight out of the Great Gatsby movie.
  20. Excellent, now I just need to work on automating everything and running with a no diaper changes system. Let the experiments begin! [emoji4]
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