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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. And on that day you'll know that a part of me just died inside. [emoji26]
  2. Nice! Wait, where are all the beautiful rock overtaking corals in your system? Let's get some xenia, blue cloves, and star polyps in there! [emoji12]
  3. Just trying up pad my stats. It's like missing a shot on purpose just to add one more rebound to the stat sheet.
  4. I knew you'd come creeping up if there was a naso that needed to be rehomed. [emoji12]
  5. Yeah, he would beat the heck out of the purple tang and probably get pretty torn up himself in the process. Purple tangs have some of the largest scapels to body ratio of the commonly kept tangs.
  6. I'll let you know. I've already gotten a couple people asking about it. I'll find some way to make it fair if I decide to sell it... but that'll be at least a month as I want to make sure the Achilles and powder blue are settled in first. Depends on the size of powder blue and hippo. He shouldn't have a problem with the hippo if he's much larger or much smaller. Purple is about 3.5-4". I think he'll try to murder the powder blue or the powder blue will try to murder him in almost any scenario I can think of. If you have a lot of fish, potentially that will be a much lower risk. If you can take the powder blue tang out for a bit, introduce them together in another tank and once they stop trying to kill each other, reintroduce both into the main tank again, I think that's your best bet for harmony.
  7. This guy, plain? Tell Holly my purple tang cried when I let him read your post... salinity just went up in the tub.
  8. I'm 6'4".... oh whoops... typo... 5'4". [emoji4] I utilitize a step stool and a nice pair of stainless steel surgical tongs to do work on the sandbed. +3 on the titanium finnex heaters. I have the Jaebo DCS12000 return pump, been using it over a year with no issues. I have a backup one just in case it goes out. I can almost buy 3.5 of these pumps for one Vectra so I went this route and don't regret it. No bells and whistles but does the job, DC pump so efficient, and been reliable so far.
  9. Uh yeah, I want to keep only difficult fish Sascha... jeez! [emoji6] I voted against the purple tang because I think two territorial tangs were enough... and out of the achilles, powder blue, and purple... the purple lost out. Oh yeah, hippos grow like crazy fast. My old blonde naso I felt grew pretty fast but my wife always tells me I have no concept of time.
  10. Kidding, be happy to help you move that thing inside if I'm free that day.
  11. HAHA, So that means you need me to come to your place to help carry it in the house (instead of vice versa)??? Exactly! You catch on quick for being a moderator. [emoji12] Perhaps I was being too subtle? Oh no, I just got volunteered! [emoji15]
  12. HAHA, So that means you need me to come to your place to help carry it in the house (instead of vice versa)??? Exactly! You catch on quick for being a moderator. [emoji12]
  13. Yeah, I was just going to stick with one or two fairy wrasses, 3-5 evansi anthias, and 2-3 pyramid butterflies and call it a day. If Gig'em can QT me 2-3 purple queen anthias, I may have to make room for those. [emoji4] I'm still torn on the orange shoulder tang. He is quite stunning right now in full adult form. I've pretty much decided the yellow belly hippo and purple tang are out. Maybe I can keep the orange shoulder until that naso starts getting bigger and then rehome the orange shoulder down the road. I'm still not accounting for the fact that ich may blow up all my plans and make me get rid of both the achilles and powder blue. In that case, I may keep the purple and for sure the orange shoulder. I'll give it a month with the Achilles and the powder blue in the main tank before I signal the all clear.
  14. Reef Octopus SRO5000 Juiceman! It's like you don't even know me! [emoji12]But yes, online ratings will paint the same picture as far as ratings numbers are concerned but the Skimz numbers are a little inflated in my opinion. They are great skimmers, well built in my opinion. Just decrease their ratings by 30% and it'll be more accurate. It totally says 5000 on my post...... Sucker! The internet forgets nothing! You can't change it in my reply unless you bribe one of the mods with a frag or two.
  15. Reef Octopus SRO5000 Juiceman! It's like you don't even know me! [emoji12] But yes, online ratings will paint the same picture as far as ratings numbers are concerned but the Skimz numbers are a little inflated in my opinion. They are great skimmers, well built in my opinion. Just decrease their ratings by 30% and it'll be more accurate.
  16. Excellent, I'll just give them a call in a couple days and "update" your address for delivery. [emoji48] Early congrats! You're going to be a reef savvy owner soon!
  17. My stand is 40" and my tank is 29" tall. I like the viewing height on it and I can shove all kinds of stuff under the stand.
  18. Start QTing me those purple queens QT master!
  19. So... I'm at a bit of a decision. I'm staring at 4 smaller angels in the tank and it looks so peaceful right now. I know the minute I add 6 tangs, the pace in there is going to get a lot more hectic. I'm contemplating rehoming a few tangs. Right now I have a purple, yellow belly hippo, Orange shoulder, blonde naso, powder blue, and Achilles. My thoughts are to keep the blonde naso, powder blue, and Achilles. The Orange shoulder might make that list too but I keep staring at how large he is in the tub and not sure I want him to be the big guy cruising the tank. Then I can focus on adding a few wrasses and anthias and not have so many big fish in the tank... give a little more size distribution in there.
  20. Because I rerouted it to my house! Yay corals!
  21. Trade secret... I'm guessing you enjoyed the theme music. [emoji6]
  22. Just two, a Jaebo WP-40 and WP-60. I did throw a MP40 on the back wall to experiment with but have it set on the lowest power for now.
  23. I forgot what fish in a tank looked like!
  24. I'm going to apologize now because this song will be stuck in your head the rest of the day. I've introduced all the angels except for the large emperor angel. Up next weekend will be the "misc" fish and followed by the mass of tangs (achilles, powder blue, yellow belly blue hippo, purple, orange shoulder, and blonde naso) the weekend after that.
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