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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That bites! Check with Just Reef. Aaron used to bring them in a lot and also had them eating.
  2. That's a good looking tumble right there. It'll gum up a bit once the bacteria colonize so just keep an eye on it and make sure it never stops tumbling.
  3. Yea the one directly behind the tort. I got it from the guy from corpus. I can't wait to see it get bigger. Got one from Minh (Orion) as well. It's showing some great promise. It may actually earn a spot on the aquascape.
  4. It was a tough call if I needed to go to the ER for this one or not but I think the residual palytoxin in my system has made me tougher.
  5. Oh, and for entertainment value, I got scalpeled by the achilles while transitioning him to the DT. That was my first in all these years that I've kept tangs. It didn't make me bleed but definitely cut skin.
  6. Start saving those pennies sir! You skipped on the last house I found you with a green house and a huge wooden deck with a tree growing out of it. [emoji12]
  7. Back to the fishes and coral! Reintroduced the Achilles, powder blue, and naso tang this morning. The Achilles and powder blue are checking out their new/old home while the naso ran off and hid somewhere as expected. I'll update with a picture when the lights come on after I get back from my closing. Looks like "buggy" remembered his old sitting hole.
  8. Is that mille by the Oregon tort an AquaSD Rainbow Mille from the SoaSA swap?
  9. 6' hydroponic tub man with two 20 gallons on the shelving tied into it with ball valves to isolate when needed for QT. Then stick with your 2-part dosing for foundation elements. You'll have to get two peristaltic pumps because I traded yours for magic beans. I'll give you dibs on the first giant that climbs down it though.
  10. What an interesting world we live in when the Vectra is the backup to the Jaebo. [emoji23]
  11. Ahhh... did they bypass QT? [emoji12] Nice, is the Moorish idol already eating?
  12. Woohoo! Everyone is getting a new tank in! Nice!
  13. Dang!!! Is that to keep your hands out of the tank so everything can just grow in peace?
  14. I thought you were hip Hula! [emoji12]
  15. You should move a float valve to your sump and program it to turn off the skimmer when it gets triggered.
  16. Wow! I have a Sicce Synchra 12.0 return pump just sitting around if you need something to hold you over.
  17. Somehow this turned into a Kid Thread... I go with the flow in life...
  18. This is the most hilarious post I've seen all year! Thank you for that bud!
  19. I'm tend to be on the lax end side of protectiveness. He's gotta know its going to hurt... nothing teaches you better than the pain of the experience. Now my wife on the other hand will undo all that with her overprotectiveness so it may be a moot point. We'll see when the baby comes. I wonder if I could petition the City to change the name of my neighborhood to "The Shire"? So THOSE were your kids!!! Kidding!
  20. psh, you'll be throwing your kids around all the time! I regularly toss my god sons in the air and haven't hit them on the ceiling...yetOh I'm sure I will as I throw around my niece and nephew all the time but that's a 6' throw in the air within 3-4" of the ceiling. He either practices with a sack of potatoes or got really lucky. Maybe he practised with the older kids in the video. [emoji4]
  21. Man, I doubt that was the wife recording. I don't think that's a wife approved activity. A simple miscalculation of force needed and you'd have a kid-sized face smear on your ceiling for life.
  22. Think about it like this... automatic alk tester once they are old enough. Yes!
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