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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. How reckless! I'm just spreading misinformation all over this forum and nobody is calling me out! [emoji15]
  2. Just curious... there were like 3 I have been eyeballing for years now but I told myself no buying corals unless I've seen them in person or they are known to be amazing.
  3. Looks like you are feeding it colorful candy, so thats the secret formula...Noooooo! My amino acid gummy candies secret is out for SPS coloration! [emoji33]
  4. Wow, this one is really coloring up nicely. Sorry for LED diode reflection but almost impossible to take a picture of the whole colony without reflections.
  5. Huh? Where did I type 0.56? If I did, its a typo. I run that calculation daily so pretty familiar with it. Should be 0.056.
  6. Yup...it's 18w and gonna be slow flow at about 60gph. Nice! You're part of the UV club. That makes... uh... you and me. [emoji57]
  7. UV? You didn't tell me you were planning on that? What wattage? What flowrate?
  8. Nice! I know what you're doing all weekend!
  9. I'd bring some if I had any. I'm sure someone will chime in with some.
  10. Alright folks, I'm shutting down the coral orders. I'll see everyone tomorrow night at Phil's and I'll bring your corals. Exact change is appreciated and I also do PayPal. Looking forward to the fun!
  11. That and you could always let your alk go down a bit to below 8.0 dKh.
  12. Personally, I'd never had an issue with too low phosphates. It's your zero nitrates that are the issue. I'd leave the reactor as is. Maybe feed more or start dosing aminos or potassium nitrate in the tank to bring up your nitrate levels.
  13. Just resume your regularly scheduled program. Throw in an extra water change if you want.
  14. Ummm... that's not how you use a media bag. Do you want me to make an instructional video for you? [emoji12] kidding. Tank looks great sir. Always a clean installation by you.
  15. Alk burn... are you running any sort of carbon dosing? Vodka? Biopellets? You'll usually get that type of burn when your nutrients are too low and your alk above 8.0 dKh. Aim for about 5-10 nitrates and 0.03-0.08 ppm phosphates for SPS. There is literally not enough nutrients for the fleshy growth to keep up with the deposition of calcium carbonate and the result is the white tips you are probably seeing.
  16. Good job of attacking it Sissy. Real answer is nothing really. Just enjoy your time away and come back and continue to fight it.
  17. More like RCL... River City Limits... after hours!
  18. Show offWell, it's not at least a 30" wide tank so... you know... barely worth mentioning. [emoji12]
  19. I'm this close to working a deal with DirecTV. I think they mentioned bumping the Longhorn Network for FarmerTy TV.
  20. Since before I even got into SPS! [emoji15] [emoji33]
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