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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. No problem... Glad kids are learning the birds and the bees from my build thread. It's expanding its global mission now. [emoji12] Yeah, I'm hoping to make you fall in love with mine... that's why I really added it. Hey, don't take my little bit of work finding an actual clear spot of sand away from me! How dare you link another build thread to my build thread! I'm going to cut off access to you sir! [emoji33]
  2. Dominate is exactly the right word. And that color is so rich and deep; so many acros, while lovely, are so light or bright. The only other acro in your tank that rivals the slimer for depth of color is that purple one with green polyps that looks like a GARF bonsai. Anyways I'm done dominating this thread; excellent diversity and spread--I love it!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My Oregon Tort has literally punched people in the mouth as they have come into the house. [emoji12] ... Ok I take it back. Duuuuuuude I wanna see your tank irl now, lol. This is making me gain appreciation for acros. Obviously I need to set aside a couple of hours to go through this whole build thread! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Oh man, its a time suck Peter! We only use it to punish people who have been bad on ARC.
  3. Dominate is exactly the right word. And that color is so rich and deep; so many acros, while lovely, are so light or bright. The only other acro in your tank that rivals the slimer for depth of color is that purple one with green polyps that looks like a GARF bonsai. Anyways I'm done dominating this thread; excellent diversity and spread--I love it!Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My Oregon Tort has literally punched people in the mouth as they have come into the house. [emoji12]
  4. Grow little guy, grow! He looks good at the top of the mountain! The new tank is going to be a lot of fun to get going!
  5. Yeah, they used to be so common that people started to avoid it and then all of a sudden, nobody had it anymore. Now everybody wants a piece back. Can't beat their radioactive green color and thick branches and how it can dominate an aquascape.
  6. Thanks Peter! This one? Noooooope, that's lovely, but definitely an acro. I meant the deep green one in the very last pic.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Ohhh... the green slimer acro.
  7. You got a cool sunburst you wanna sell me on the cheap???? Way to aim for the skies! [emoji4] haha.
  8. Not a fake house! Poor clownies! [emoji5]
  9. Looks great Jimbo! And get those clowns an anemone already! [emoji6]
  10. Yeah, right now the Apex wins out just because of reliability. I just won't trust the Cerebra yet until its had some time out of beta first before I leave it responsible for my tank.From what i have been reading I wouldn't trust the new apex either.Oh yes, I concur just from what I've read as well.
  11. Yeah, right now the Apex wins out just because of reliability. I just won't trust the Cerebra yet until its had some time out of beta first before I leave it responsible for my tank.
  12. They are still in a continual loop of improvement. Every time I check on the forum, they are adding this or updating that.Since its just running simple operations on my fish tub, I haven't even touched it in about a month. Main reason is I probably won't spend any more time on it until they've got a working build that may be ready for life after beta. Once the full online capability is up and it's out of beta, I'll return to messing with it. Timing right now with everything going on with my own workload, home projects, and upcoming baby has derailed any time I can lend to playing with the new controller until it has been finalized. I still think the full working version would have still turned my head and made me think long and hard about buying it over the new Apex but its still too early to tell.
  13. Alright, where did you smuggle those gonis and alveoporas in from? C4?
  14. A little superglue over the opening should do it.
  15. Large vermatiid snail, will usually stick out mucus strands to catch stuff in the water. Either that or a hardshell feather duster.
  16. Kind of a hard species to acclimate from what I heard but no direct experience. Supposed to be a lot hardier once you get it past initial acclimation though.
  17. Showers are always fun!!! Glad you got that taken care of and hopefully be back on track in the near future for the tank build!
  18. Mandarins spawning https://youtu.be/7S6NZl5s-z8 Clownfish spawning https://youtu.be/ATHgywxJ6F0 Mini brittle stars spawning https://youtu.be/TChi1NTAL-s Deresa clam spawning https://youtu.be/kNkRRvlRqDE Fungia plate spawning https://youtu.be/RjG83_aWqyI
  19. Male urchin http://youtu.be/sNxTCkoAkmo https://youtu.be/p06zqk_jRt0
  20. Let me see if I can dig up other spawning videos for Noah to enjoy. [emoji4]
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