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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. You should be fine. Ideally you'd want to pick it up as soon as possible and start acclimating it out of the bag but afternoon should be fine too. Ty...I would suggest not placing the coral that is waiting to be picked up in your tank or sump etc. It would better to leave them at room temperature in the shipping box versus warming them up to 78ish degrees and putting reef light on them. That will help keep them in a hibernating mode. At least this is my gut feeling. I have no scientific evidence to support this though lol Thanks Holly! I'll leave it up to the buyer to tell me what they want me to do with it. I have no idea myself but the less temp swings, the better I'm sure. The sump will be dark at least so no lights.
  2. You should be fine. Ideally you'd want to pick it up as soon as possible and start acclimating it out of the bag but afternoon should be fine too.
  3. Available again. Buyer has a large sailfin tang that I thought it may be inadvisable to pair up together with as they'll more than likely fight. Back on the market... Help him stop crying in the QT tank and someone buy him.
  4. I got lost in all the lineage tracking! [emoji12] Which acro additions are credited to you?No club in Killeen that I know of unless it's on Facebook which I don't do for reefing purposes. I've already asked the San Antonio guys...nothing. I bugged the Houston guys but nobody is giving up a piece. Haven't tried Dallas yet for a purple monster.
  5. Ahhh, so Tim got it from you. Gotcha! Tim got me into SPS so I had gotten a lot from him since he lived pretty close by. I've been looking for the elusive purple monster myself.
  6. Yeah, I think you got that from someone (either gigem or Juiceman) who got that from me a couple years back. I got that from wizard who got it from Dale I believe. Fun to trace things sometimes.
  7. If you want... I don't know how many you'll dislodge but I know you'll probably dislodge a ton of detritus so might want to do it in a separate bucket.
  8. I just know he got out a long time ago so its amazing to still find some of his sps alive. I think ol'aggie used to live by him, maybe he knows.
  9. Hey hey, no free looks at the acro farm... I charge per peek! [emoji12] That sounds great for me receiving and Reburn is familiar enough with my house by now so I'm betting he doesn't have a problem with that. [emoji6] I'm chatting with Holly right now about the pieces I'll be ordering and we can aim for this Friday delivery.
  10. In a bit of an interesting twist, I found out in the same week that my pearlberry is not really a pearlberry (this will be remedied in the upcoming cultivated reef order) and my unknown yellow acro is really a JG Yellow Acro (thanks Juiceman!). Yay! [emoji106] Boo! [emoji107] The JG Yellow was easy to figure out as I got it from someone no longer in the hobby but luckily his build thread still is and he documents well. [emoji1] The pearlberry was discovered when I was looking closely at other pictures of pearlberry acros and realized the growth pattern was significantly different as well as the corallite shape. For those who bought a pearlberry from me (which is very few), my apologies as I only sold it as what I bought it as, a pearlberry. I'll make it right once this new confirmed ORA pearlberry comes in and gets big enough to frag.
  11. Perhaps remove your chaeto entirely? Also, that Hanna Ca checker is the only unreliable checker to me for marine use. I like their alk and phosphate one but the Ca checker is highly inaccurate. They made their test protocol too sensitive for that one.
  12. Can we aim for this Friday if possible just to avoid the holidays in general? I know I'll be gone through a lot of it next week. I don't mind being a delivery point as well since I work from home most days and live near the Domain. I'm fine with Peter being the delivery point as well if it works better. I'll be putting my order in shortly today. Ordering 1) Peter 2) Ty Maybe ordering 1) Juiceman 2) Sascha 3) Rosslonghorns
  13. Had a cool view today messing with the tank so I snapped a pic.
  14. Old FarmerTy had a farm... F....u....n....g....i....a
  15. Started feeding twice a day, algae growth is definitely up, but still zero nitrates.As far as ALK burn, I stopped the Kalkwasser drip, as I couldn't get it to be a consistent flow and having to fill it up every day is a bit of a beating. Now I'm dosing 15ml Seachem Fusion 2 after lights out and testing every morning between 9a-10a to see if I can find the sweet spot. Letting CA go for now as I'm convinced my testing chems are no good. There's no way I add no CA for a week and the levels bounce back and forth from 400-600, right? Yeah, that's a funky Ca test. Get a new one. Remind me what are you doing for water changes and filtration (reactors, skimmers, Etc)?
  16. I just talked to them and Holly said that they would ignore the tier discount and do free shipping for us for the group buy.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Wheeling and dealing! Awesome!I'm in for the order, let me know what the best way is to do this, whether to PayPal you the money or order through them directly and leave a note that its for the Austin group buy. Thanks for putting this together Peter!
  17. I sure hope so! So you think it'll be ok? Sent from Sissy's phone Absolutely!
  18. Hey Peter, they don't do free shipping, just a tiered discount off the flat rate shipping rate. How do you plan to distribute the discount, equally among all that order or a weighted distribution based on how much the person spent? I may be interested in ordering a couple pieces.
  19. I'm still going with a blue background when I get the chance. I wish it was just the power cable but there's a giant 1" PVC run coming from the bottom of my sterilizer that I won't be able to hide for nothing so I have to paint it regardless.
  20. Percentage of nitrate reduction is equal to the percentage of water changed. If you change 25% of your water, your nitrates will be 25% lower.
  21. That's a nice Gold Torch.... too bad the guy who fragged it for you killed his own... :/Nah... I picked up a new one from AAF! Never Fragging this one! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Haha, and then you killed the frag I gave back! Maybe you should not do deals with me anymore. Haha.
  22. Never had any issues with ball anemones. The fish grabbing may be overstated.
  23. Native app, came with my LG V20.
  24. That is glorious. How do you get such good colors in video? I have to artificially white balance my photos after the fact of taking them by increasing the overall warmth and adding a slight cyan filter over everything...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Camera allows me to adjust the white balance on the fly. [emoji4]
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