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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Made an update video now that I've cleared my sandbed out finally. I also wanted to document the tank before I started fragging up all my pieces. I figure this is a good time to move around colonies as well and fill in the giant holes left by removing the screaming green birdsnest and purple stylo mega-colonies. Wish me luck! https://vimeo.com/192332557
  2. FWIW, I had never touched a soldering iron before I made the modifications to the light, nor ever opened up one of their fixtures before. Pretty straightforward I say, even better than you're handy with a soldering iron. You will void your warranty though so do at your own risk.I thought the fixture looked just fine before but I do appreciate the color I have now as well after the modification.
  3. Thanks!You don't need the red and green diodes... Manufacturer just speculatively put them in there to try to cover their bases with spectrum. Yes, 3 will cover 6' but depending how deep your tank is, you may need to supplement front and back of tank. That's why I chose to add the T5 supplement but I'm also keeping mainly high light loving SPS so if you're keeping softies and LPS front and back of tank, the LEDs just might be all that is needed.
  4. I run them with T5 supplementation. Very happy with the results. I also modified them and swapped out all my 10k, red, and green diodes (10 total per fixture) to warm white diodes. Probably cost me less than $7/fixture to do. Stock LED: http://youtu.be/FtMlwl3LYr0 Modified LED: http://youtu.be/zSLWq1DDKGo
  5. You can refill at Austin Home Brew and AirGas. You'll have to leave it at AirGas though and come back the next day usually to pick up. Homebrew can usually fill while you wait if they aren't crazy busy. Just make sure you tell AirGas that you want to refill and not exchange.
  6. Its on the truck folks and headed my way soon.
  7. FarmerTy

    Jens 240

    I've been very happy with my LED setup supplemented with T5s. I think its the best of both worlds and in overall cost, much cheaper to maintain. If you run two 8-bulb T5 fixtures, you're looking at around $320+ bulb replacement costs annually! That's insane to me! That buys me two of my Ocean Revive fixtures which I could theoretically run for 5-6 years without any annual bulb replacement costs and they use less electricity. I say do that and then use the money saved to buy a bigger skimmer immediately. With your fish population, I think that's going to be one of your most important purchases on the new tank... Unless you want another war with dinos, cyano, or pest algaes. For extra pumps, you could always add a couple of cheap jaebos to supplement flow if needed. You can obviously see a theme with me here... I'm cheap. I'd also just build my own sump with an old glass tank and add my own baffles.
  8. Sort of figured that's my only reasonable option. It's a nice looking coral and not especially fast growing, but I can just tell it will basically encrust through anything. Would probably be a good one for a FOWLR. Light mint green color, doesn't brown at all. Probably the most indestructible SPS I've ever seen. Far more tolerant than monti's, I'd put it closer to GSP for hardiness. I like it's very unique, fractal-like growth pattern as well. But you're right, my old colony was indestructible.
  9. I was really disappointed there was no music with this video [emoji13]Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk It was a utilitary video... Was just shooting it to a prospective orange shoulder tang buyer. I thought the funky music I always use would scare them away. [emoji12]
  10. Package has been tendered to FedEx. They estimate shipment should arrive 9am-1030am tomorrow.
  11. I'd do exactly as you outlined... break off the branching portions, then kalk the base and you're done.
  12. Fedex should have the package at my door before 10:30am everyone. Please plan accordingly for pickup and send me your info/coral order via PM when you get a chance! Thanks!
  13. Alright, tomorrow is the big day. If you have placed an order, please PM me your name and what you ordered when you have a chance. That will give me a chance to give you my information for pickup tomorrow when the corals come in. Thanks all!
  14. Just for reference, I use half of what you are using for both the GFO and the carbon in my 215-gallon monthly. I would recommend using 1/3 of the GFO and 1/4 of the carbon and I have a feeling all your corals are going to be really happy in the next couple of weeks.
  15. Whoa! What reactor are you using for your GFO when you say its 60-75% full? You may be running waaaayyyyy too much GFO. Got a picture? Nevermind, I see you said you're using a BRS dual reactor. That's way too much. Like crazy too much. I'm pretty sure this is the problem. How much carbon are you running as well? What type of GFO? What type of carbon?
  16. If nobody can step up, maybe hit up a LFS?
  17. Looks like some different things are on sale now.
  18. Better quick cycle that new tank! [emoji12]
  19. Looks like the tank is going to get a good haircut over the next couple of months. I got quite the substantial order for corals from an individual. [emoji15]
  20. Here's a video of him... Really the orange shoulder... Swimming in the QT. Sorry for the yellowish looking lights. Orange shoulder is 7" for size reference. https://youtu.be/q53RCYmV37w
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