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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Ouch! Even I wouldn't buy it if its at that price point!
  2. Oh man, if this is your big holiday shindig, I better get the wife to try to make it. She'll keep me from giving you all my money.
  3. Looks great for just moving across town just a couple months ago!
  4. You kidding me? I have Jaebos! If I don't clean them every 3 months, the flow will come to a stop! [emoji4]
  5. Hey, I've been there! Glad that reef tank of theirs is still looking good. Man, they didn't have dwarf cuttlefish when I went there about 5 years ago. Glad you're having fun out of state!
  6. Metal lookdowns! Why didn't I think of that!? Looks great Jim!
  7. It's due to all the water changes I constantly perform I should have let your lights fall in the tank! [emoji35]
  8. Man, wish I had an awesome Ice Fire Echinata like yours! That's hot!
  9. Looks like ulva. You probably got it from me. I grow it in the system to feed my tangs. I would recommend to probably remove it as it can start growing everywhere in your system. You can just probably pop the coral off that plug and put it on a new one and that will take care of it.
  10. Thanks Chopper! That is a meteor shower cyphastrea. I've got it under too much light and its more of an aqua than blue butt still pretty to me.It still looks really blue to me! Regardless it's stunning. It JUST occurred to me that my coral may be unhappy and I may not even be able to tell. Maybe I should keep a "check my color thread" haha! I guess if they're not going white all is well though, huh? Plus I know things color up differently sometimes from me Yeah, I wouldn't read much into color unless its brown. Its going to look different in 6 out of 10 tanks.
  11. Thanks Chopper! That is a meteor shower cyphastrea. I've got it under too much light and its more of an aqua than blue butt still pretty to me.
  12. I'd bring Ca back to 420 ppm ASAP, and then tune your system to figure out ml/day. The priority is to get it back to a tolerable level for your acros before they decline in health any further. Ideally I'd never chase pH, such a useless parameter to follow once your tank is stable, but to answer your question, ideally you'd want to dose in the middle of the night to keep it balanced, but since that's not a reality unless you automate it, I'd dose in the morning to bring your pH back up.
  13. I'm a big fan of my Ocean Revive LEDs. They are cheap and have done a great job on my tank. That being said, if you can afford the cost of annual replacement of T5 bulbs, I like the look of T5 bulbs for SPS. I use a combo of both on my tank, my Ocean Revives and T5 supplements. I would have bought a "black box" LED as they use the same diodes as the Ocean Revives. The only reason I chose the Ocean Revives is the customer service is actually pretty decent and the replacements parts are cheap. That and I liked the spread better on the OR units as the LEDs themselves are more spaced out than the "black box" units. RCA is a retailer for them now and might be able to get you a good deal on them. I know they will be replacing their MH fixtures on their show tank in the store to the OR fixtures. If you haven't seen the updated video of my tank I shot yesterday, here's the link. Three OR fixtures with T5 supplements. http://vimeo.com/192332557
  14. Got it from this guy. Ordered the 3W warm white diodes. http://m.ebay.com/itm/201610220586
  15. Sadly, I didn't take pictures and document. Pretty straightforward, open it up, disconnect cables, twist off the lenses on the diodes you are replacing, touch each solder point and remove diode, replace with new diode using same solder on the board (matching + to + and - to -), reconnect wires, and close it back up.Gig'em and I just did our backup units this past week and it took less than 30 mins to do. Check with RCA for the Ocean Revive units if you haven't ordered yet. They just became a wholesaler and might be able to save you some money.
  16. That calcium at 371 ppm isn't doing you any favors. I've had issues with my acros anytime it went below 380 ppm. I'd try to keep it around 420 ppm if possible.
  17. Leaches aluminum oxide for sure, so the rinse initially removes a lot of the dust from the manufacturing process. I had 20x the recommended Triton level for Al with no issues. Only issues I've heard from people are with leathers. They retract polyps and look irked but eventually come around. I don't have any leathers.From the limited LPS I have, I can say that it doesn't bug tubinaria, euphyllias, fungias, duncans, gonis, and alveoporas. Also, my anemone doesn't seem bothered by it either.
  18. I rinsed the heck out of it first, soaked it in a bucket of water for a few days, then dropped it into the tank. I'm always happy to help others spend their money. [emoji12]
  19. Ty went for the urban look...instead of going out with his rock work he went up.Acro condos! Be the first to buy and we'll pay closing costs! Hurry up because they won't last long!
  20. Those marine pure blocks are helping me out... As well as another 80-100 lbs of rock in the sump. Do it man... Do it! [emoji12]
  21. Didn't you just see it in person like 2 days ago? [emoji23]
  22. Maybe I can hire you to be my LPS/sandbed consultant. The trick is finding things that 5 angels won't eat. [emoji4]
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