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Chad and Belinda

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Everything posted by Chad and Belinda

  1. Welcome. This is a great site with lots of great people.
  2. Matt, Thank you for picking up our frags. Pm me with you address. Chad is going to be running errands, and can swing by on his way home.
  3. Yay...I learned something new today...time for the happy dance!! We need to come by and look at your tank.
  4. Welcome. Hope that you are enjoying the many great things about this board. Chad~n~Belinda
  5. Welcome! Beware...this site is addicting..fun..and a great place to meet new people! Great photos by the way!
  6. I have the following items: 2 bottles of Reef Calcium by Seachem 8.5 fl. oz (both full) Garlic Guard by Seachem 8.5 fl. oz (full) around 1/3 full...Kent fresh water Ammonia Detox 4 fl oz bottle 2 bottles of Bio-Blend Marine food staple diet large 10.2 gl. oz each bottle (full) No More Algae...Tank Buddies 8 pack (new) 1 1/2 bottles of freeze dried shrimp Ick Clear...Tank Buddies 8 Pack (New) Tetra Aqua water clarifier (freshwater) half full Would like to trade for coral frag or two. We like colorful zoanthids.
  7. Bump...still have one frag of rainbow monti left
  8. I ended up not going to Austin with the hubby. Will everything be okay with the delay?
  9. Matt, That would be great. Do you still have my cell number?
  10. Sounds good. We may wait till 1pm just to be sure since we won't have access to email after 10:15 as well be heading into Austin. Thanks...Belinda
  11. We'll be there before noon. Thanks...Belinda
  12. Mark, We will be in Austin tomorrow. What times will you be available? Thanks.
  13. I thought I included the box fee on the first payment... Can you please check that..if not, can we bring it Wed? Also, we didn't take the 10% off of our order....so how does that work out? Thank you...Belinda
  14. Welcome. If you happen to get the lighting...we have plenty of corals that my hubby can frag. Just shoot us a PM when you are ready. Thanks, Chad~n~Belinda
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