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Chad and Belinda

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Everything posted by Chad and Belinda

  1. Here are the two newest additions to our family. Baxter is 9 months and he was adopted the week before we went on the MAAST collection trip to Port A. The other one is 10 month old Tessa. We adopted Tessa on Tuesday of last week. Baxter is our wild child, as some of you may know. He loves to give kisses and would be lost without his tongue. Tessa on the other hand is a prissy little thing that loves to lounge around. When you ask her for a kiss, she turns her head. She's probably saying to herself "ewww, human slobber". She is too precious. Baxter and Tessa were both born in Waco, Texas. Both are full blooded yorkies. Baxter Tessa
  2. Great pictures Russell. A good way to spend the afternoon.
  3. Matt...feel free to stop by anytime. Hope you are feeling better! Belinda More pics of the tank build..... Father and son moment... Helping daddy clean the tank... Future saltwater addict! Are we a bad influence or what? More to come....till next time.
  4. Hey Russell...which camera did you take this with?
  5. Alex, We do have a canopy for it. Working on trying to get the lights that we want right now before putting the canopy up.
  6. By the way...we got so busy moving the tank into our house that we forgot to take pictures of all those who helped. Thank you to the following people: Mike - Caferacermike Russell - gonzobob Linda - (sorry I forgot your id) Shawn and Amanda - razorsharp Garrett - addboy I also want to thank those of you that volunteered to help. We really appreciate all of you.
  7. Dena...sounds good. I'll let you know. Hey everyone...started the tank thread in Reefkeeping...yes...there are pics.
  8. Here is a picture of addboy's tank...all but 5 of these corals are ours.
  9. OK...will post a few at a time. These are during the move from SA to Georgetown.
  10. We figured we'd bug you for pics since you keep asking us to post some as well. Patience please...we have plenty of pictures...just need to re-size them. They WILL be posted by the end of the day. Hey...don't forget to send me a PM for the jeweler info and contact person. I am not gonna quit bugging Chad until I get one.
  11. So far so good. We are housing all of our coral at Addboy's house. They moved everything over late last night. The old tank is gone...yay. Today...I may finally get some of my kitchen back. The PLUS side is that our house doesn't smell line Port A. Mark, I will let you know if we run short of water...we'll find out today. Thank you so much for the water the other day. Hey guys...where is the right place to post tank builds? Do I need to start a photo gallery, and if so...how do I start one?
  12. Okay...as most of you may know, we recently upgraded to a 260 gallon aquarium. We have been taking pictures, but have been so tired that we keep forgetting to post them. We will try to get some on here by this weekend. I think she must have added Miracle Grow to the water because the tank grew from the last time we were there.
  13. Well, the tank move was successful. We just wanted to say THANK YOU to all those that assisted and offered to assist with the tank move. We love this site. Not only have we received some awesome help and advice from this site...but we have made some AMAZING friends. It's nice to know that we have friends we can count on. I am saddened to say that we have already suffered a tragedy...I lost my first yellow tang, Bubbles. Bubbles had been with us from the start (6 years), along with Bubbles we also lost Dory...she was the first hippo tang that had survived in our tank for more than two days. She had been with us for 6 to 8 months. Also...this morning...we experienced a flood in our house...while moving a tub with coral, water and such, the tub broke and flooded our kitchen and living room. Needless to say, nothing was harmed. I cannot imagine what would happen if an entire tank broke and flooded the house.
  14. I have a very healthy medium marron clown that needs a newhome. Asking $30 or will trade for some really nice coloful zoanthids that we don't already have.
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