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Chad and Belinda

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Everything posted by Chad and Belinda

  1. Awwww, Thanks Mizeny!!!!! Can't wait for you guys to come up. Hey guys...Mizeny has some amazing zoanthids...several of our corals as well as our new tank came from her.
  2. Bump...Down to our last few frags...nothing over $10...Will be home most the afternoon into the evening.
  3. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone !!! We're heading to bed early tonight so that we can get up and be out the door by 3:30am for Black Friday sales!!!! Mama...are you having a Black Friday sale at 5am tomorrow???
  4. You are very welcome. It was nice meeting you.
  5. You know I was joking...right? It is hilariuos!!! Chad and I laughed so much, I'm surprised we didn't wake the kids. Have a good day!
  6. Chris, Be forewarned... You sleeping on the couch tonight??? BTW...this has shattered my image of you. LOL Belinda
  7. You're welcome. It was nice meeting you.
  8. BUMP...prices lowered. I also have the following items: Here are a couple of pics of some of the items not posted.
  9. FYI...we have other items that I cannot get pictures of. Feel free to PM and come by.
  10. Looking to sell my LARGE carpet anemone and clown fish. As a bonus...I will throw in a large maroon tomato clown. The carpet opens up to about 12". Asking $75
  11. Bump...still plenty of stuff left. We should be available early afternoon.
  12. Here are the items I have left: orange bam bams blue hornet frag blue palys bright gree zoas frag of green apple monti green mushroom green on green zoas green palys green star polyps greenzoas w/ yellow centers green zoas hammers kedd reds orange w/ green skirts zoas orange/peach zoas pink zoas tri color acre I also have a few other items that I cannot seem to get good pics on.
  13. I am off of HWy 29 East and Inner Loop
  14. I'll put you down for the warp speed Southside.
  15. It was nice meeting you!
  16. It was nice meeting you!
  17. Ok...here's a strange one. We did a 2 day black out in the tank due to a small algae problem that we were having. Today was day 2. We decided to turn the light on this evening to feed the fish, and noticed that our favorite acan was covered in goo. It was next to my blastomussa. What happened??? At first I thought the blasto was to blame, but there was also another acan on the opposite side of the blasto that was not affected. Our water parameters are perfect...so that wasn't it either. Would appreciate any insight as to what happened here.
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