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Everything posted by ACampbell

  1. I was just considering it. I really like the modern look of the metals collection. It's not your typical black aquarium, and I like bow fronts a lot. thedude you may be right though. A 125 might be better on my wallet as well. Keep in mind I?ve never owned a big tank. I really want to do an SPS/clam tank and I would like to have 4 or 5 surgeonfish. I've kind of got a stocking list in mind. Take a look at it, and if you see any obvious clashes please speak up. Tangs: yellow tang blue hippo tang clown tang sohal tang (looks like it might need a huge tank) unicorn tang Other fish pair of ocellaris couple of blue/green chromis maybe a few lyretail anthias 6 line wrasse green mandarin after a year or two maybe some sort of angel (any ideas?) Clean up crew hermits cerith snails nasarius snails skunk shrimp long spine urchin Corals/Clams lots of sweet sps lots of sweet clams a few brains a few acans might consider a zoo garden although it would clash with the sps/clam theme Well that seems like a lot to put into a 125. Could I get away with that much of a bio load in 125 gallons? Thanks for your input.
  2. I am planning out a new aquarium and considering getting the 175 bowfront from the oceanic metals collection. Anyone have comments about these? Is there an Oceanic certified dealer in Austin? Thanks for the help.
  3. I've always thought that that Ripetides Reef was overpiced. When I was looking to buy my blue zoos they always had some that would sell for up to $150 without shipping. I found mine from an guy on ebay named old.diver, and won mine for $25. To be honest I think they look better than the Riptides Reef varitey. FWIW
  4. Seahorses are wonderful creatures, but I would advise against it. It is possible but not feasible. A 110 gals is a very large tank for seahorses. It would be hard to provide the proper denisty of food for them in such a large tank. They also like low flow enviorments with lots of stuff to wrap their tail around. Most reef tanks have too much flow for them. The bubble tip anemone would have to come out, as they would be a very expensive meal for it. They are awesome fish, and fun to watch, but they require alot of time and research. I'm not trying to discourage you from keeping them, they are worth all the trouble. Just make sure you do your homework. If you want to pursue keeping them check out www.seahorse.org for more detailed information. Hope this helps. FWIW, Andrew
  5. Glad I could help. It's nice that people are finaly breaking into the nano market and developing such products.
  6. ACampbell


    Welocme to ARC glasses1.gif
  7. The chiller integrates into the hood of my 12 gal nano cube. check out the pic in the link I posted. It works fantastic, but there is quite a bit of modification involved. I got a great deal on it. The ICA chiller retails for $90 by itself not including shipping, and I got it for 50 with the chiller, pump, no kink tubing, and precut splashguard from a LRC member here in Lubbock. It brought down the temps immediately.
  8. Well I got mine installed sucessfully. I highly recomend this product to anyone having temp problems with NCs.
  9. Anyone have any experiance with this chiller for the NC12: http://nanotuners.nanocustoms.com/nanotune...&products_id=79 I'm getting one this afternoon, and I wonder what I getting myself into.
  10. I'll look into it. Good suggestion. smilies updated... still pretty creepy though. fish.gif
  11. Well my baby clown has developed a skin condtion in the past week. Anyone know whats going on? Thanks for the help.
  12. I'll look into it. Good suggestion.
  13. I havn't seen any avatars other than my own. Just wondering if noone has added one, or are they not working? Thanks.
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