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Everything posted by ACampbell

  1. MH Sold 7 gal bow front, STAND, and fuge $30 (please someone buy this)
  2. thanks robert. I'll try one out and let you know what happens.
  3. Carlos, I'll stop by the store sometime before the meeting and plan a time to pick up your donation. Thanks for sponsoring us! I hope I win one of the door prizes ; )
  4. alkalinty is 300 ppm. pH is 7.6 calcium is through the roof also; >500 ppm I have not added any additives since I started this several weeks ago. I have som kalk; should I be using it?
  5. I just tested my pico (6:30pm) and the alkalinity was >300 but my pH was 7.6! How does that happen? How do I fix it?
  6. You've got 8.6 wpg. Thats a lot for a pico. Has evaporation been a problem? The phosban and puragen will help with everything. cemiclean and a water change should knock out the cyano. btw hows that leather doing in your 20?
  7. Drew I would recommend removing the sponge (thats where the 20 no3 is coming from) and replace it with some phoseban or mabey some purigen. Whats the lighting on your 3 gal? You might beef up your cleaning crew just a little. I have 3 tiny blue legs 3 nass and two cerith in my 3 gal. Do you have any fish in there yet or just the marg, crab, and shrimp?
  8. ACampbell


    Well since no one else will welcome you, I guess I can. WELCOME!!! Are katana carrying fish reef safe?
  9. So far I only have one person willing to fill the writer position. Any other takers??? I'm sure the first few quarters will be decided upon by the staff. This will give us plenty of time to discus the selection process. Anyone heard from Aquadoc? I haven?t seen him online in forever.
  10. Welcome caferacermike. Glad to have you here. fish.gif
  11. Ok, so I want to start up a ?Tank Of The Month?? I'd be happy to make a separate web page for it, as well as corresponding threads. Since the club is still fairly new we will start off with the "Tank of the Quarter" or TOTQ. What I need is someone willing to go around to the TOTQ, write up a short article and take some awesome photos. An exceptional camera is a must. Anyone interested PM me. Do you even like this idea?
  12. Who is all planning to attend? Hopefully we will have a bigger turn out than the first meeting. I'll be there for sure.
  13. This is another kewl video. Six thousand feet below sea level, a robotic saw cuts through an undersea pipeline. The saw is cutting a 3 mm (0.1 in) wide gap in the pipe. The pressure inside of the pipe is 0 psi, while the pressure in the surrounding water is 2700 psi (1.3 tons/square inch) Then the crab comes along! Just thought I would share. This is a very interesting video in my opinion. Enjoy!
  14. Lucky for him, that looked like a little fresh water.
  15. This is the official announcement that the second meeting is set for Sat, Aug 12th at 2:00 pm It will be held at the Austin Mariott downtown. 700 E11th St. Austin TX 78701. John (aka thedude) will be speaking on fish nutrition. Everyone is welcome to bring stuff to trade or sell. Hope to see everyone there!
  16. ARC is completly free! Donations are always encouraged though. ; )
  17. The brighter the faster. I'm not available Sat, but other than that I'm free.
  18. This thread is getting longer and longer... Well the xmas tree was incorporated into my other nano. Tank - Stand - Fuge $30 I have some sweet mini carpet anemonies that need to go. This anemone, Stichodactyla tapetum, is well known to many reefkeepers who frequent Reef Central, but it's relatively unknown in the reefkeeping community at large. To say the least they are rare. They get about and inch and a half and then split. Clowns will not host them. I obtained them from Gary Majchrzak @ RC. You can see pics of his TOTM here. This coraline covered rock has 6 of these bad boys on it. $40
  19. It's possible they are. How can I tell the difference?
  20. I'm noticing a growing number of thread worms in my substrate and even a few in the rock work. Are these worms good or bad? Should I be concerned? They sure are visually abrasive. Thanks for the help. Here?s a good sketch of one.
  21. Thanks mojo. Nice to see some other LP fans. That pic is my ?57 black beauty.
  22. Nothing is in stone yet, but it looks like we might push it back another week. So it will possibly be the first weekend of Aug (the 5th or 6th)??? We are finalizing everything so I feel like the official announcement will be coming soon. HTH
  23. I always use Super Glue Gel on my zoa frags. Seems to work the best. IMO
  24. 9328 Clara Lane Franklin, Tx 77856 (979) 828-3301
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