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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. JamesL

    My 210g build

    That would explain the stillness
  2. *snickers* at the "cords are a mess" comment. They look pretty organized to me. Maybe I should hire you to come clean up my media center cords Looking good!
  3. Good luck in KC! Be sure to pop back on here with pictures of your new tanks
  4. I read the stories and warnings, but still don't....
  5. JamesL

    New Here

    Welcome to the addiction money-pit time-sync hobby! All joking aside, I think you will find it a very enjoyable hobby to be in
  6. I try to spot feed my candy canes too, and sometimes they grab the food, most of the time not. As long as they get adequate light, they will grow. Ad I think your missing coral was solved in your other thread by the landscaping damsels. My two devils damsels also move corals around. I have tried expoing corals near one of their caves, and it comes out and pushes things away.
  7. JamesL

    My 210g build

    Those are some serious shrimps! A couple do look like mantis, and a few look like pistols (hard to tell from the pics). It is amazing they all staying on their back like that for the picture.
  8. Getting a double bonus on power savings!
  9. That is some serious purple rock!
  10. Supposed to be tubing that day. Sorry I can't make it
  11. With the amount of flesh showing in the first picture, there has to be a skeleton, but as Derek said it might be small. If you can find a place on the sand bed where the damsels leave it alone, then I would let it set there an grow. It will grow out more skeleton, and then you can glue that to where you eventually want it.
  12. The May vote is on in the Photography section! Lots of great photos, gonna be hard to pick just one :)

  13. Voting ends on May 31th at midnight.
  14. You should be gluing the hard skeleton, which won't produce any slime. Epoxy would also work. As for moving, strong water currents or hermit crabs can move them around. Or fish. I had a clownfish that liked to move corals around.
  15. That would be a super hard one (for me at least). My fist don't sit still for me to even get full body shots Great suggestions everyone! I think I have the rest of the year covered, but keep them coming!
  16. Looks like algae to me (not coraline kind). I would suspect the move stirred up nutrients that cause an algae bloom. If you want to test if it is coraline, exposed a small part of one of the lime green rocks to air for a while, then put back in the tank. See if it turns bright orange (my coraline does that when air exposed).
  17. Well darn, I did reply, but looks like it got lost in the site move. Gonzobob mirrored what I said anyways
  18. Don't forget to get your photo contest entries in. Only 4 days left!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamesL
    3. luckylou


      Whats the guidelines and how do you know who wins?

    4. JamesL


      See this post for guidelines: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/17276-picture-of-the-month-contest-may-2011/

      I will create a poll tomorrow for people to vote for the winner.

  19. Thanks guys. Turned out to be a pretty good day
  20. What size is the tank? That will make a difference on the answers
  21. Nice additions. Once the grass fills in, should look really cool.
  22. Ok folks, I got this thing rolling by uploading my entry. Y'all better be working on your pictures!
  23. In some aspects saltwater is easier. But I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. You might have hit a bad batch of guppies from the store. And as for the danio, was he acting weird? How long has the tank been set up (might be in the other thread)? Freshwater tanks need to cycle also, and produce nitrogen cycle bacteria just like saltwater.
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