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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. The category for August is: Small. Sometimes it is the little things that catch our eye in our tanks. Show us something "small" (aquatic themed). Just like the "Big" contest, it can be as small as a coepod or something like a comparison shot showing a size difference. Use your imagination!

    Please note the new rules:

    • Picture must be taken by you.
    • One entry per person.
    • Picture must be aquatic themed/related.
    • (New) You may only win once per calendar year. Thus if you win a photo contest in 2012, you will not be able to enter any future contests for the year. We feel this gives everyone a chance in the contests throughout the year.

    Submit your photos to the following gallery:

    August Photo Contest Gallery

    Submissions close at midnight August 15th.

    Winner receives a $25 Reefs2Go gift certificate!

  2. There are two official frag swaps per year that we hold. Just watch the meeting section of the forum for details.

    Some people do swap some frags at the regular meetings, but nothing like our planned swaps complete with people bringing tanks. This last one in the spring had a sponsor come out and set up one of those cool zero edge overflow systems. And our host did a craw fish broil for the swap too, complete with live music. Check out the pictures from the April swap.

  3. I wonder if they can sell the clams ... I thought he said those were all confiscated ones that were brought in illegally. But I guess at some point they need to do something with them.

    Nice "souvenir" from the Sea World trip Jake :)

  4. I have never had issues with six lines in my tank. In fact, I was going to suggest some type of wrasse. They can be very colorful, and are very active. Most of the fairy wrasses are pretty peaceful. I have a 3 spot yellow wrasse (not sure it's exact name) that it very flashy and active. He does not bother tank mates or corals.

    I just added a coral beauty angel, and understand your pain. I had a flame in the past that never touch a coral. This coral beauty seems to pick some on my gorgonians. I am still unsure what to do about him.

  5. Yikes. How'd you catch that thing?

    In a rare instance, it was fully crawling out in the open sand. Just used two nets to catch it. Normally part of it is buried in the sand or rock and retracts quickly.

  6. This beast is now gone! It was over 12" stretched out.

    Is that a bristle worm?

    Euclid worm. I think it is related to bristle worms, but much more predatory. It spins a "web" to catch snails ... also scavenges.

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