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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. I have a confession to make. As much as I rant about them ... I have come to secretly realize that I really do like them. What am I talking about? No, not water changes (looks at Mark). Damsels. Yes, I said Damsels. Those bane-of-the-saltwater world fish. Why? Because they are one of the few fish that are ulta-active in tanks. They love to explore every nook and cranny of my tank (I have 2 Talbot Damsels). I see them out and about all of the time. My two tangs hide quite a bit. And my sole skunk clown hangs in his section of the tank. Granted, they are mean little snots, and have tried to bully fish many times their size. Though the tangs will put them in their place if needed. But they have nagged a jawfish to jump in the past, and harrased a swallowtail angel I used to have. I would like to get them gone so I can add a more variety of small peaceful fish, but at this point I am resigned to them being the most active fish the time until the grim reaper comes for them.
  2. I don't really think it is a bad thing. In a way, stores are getting mature fish that are acclimated to tank life. So in theory, they should be hardier compared to one fresh from the ocean. I have traded in fish before when my mood has changed for the tank.
  3. Probably my coolest coral I have right now is a frag of spiral coral I got from a member here. It is pretty cool that it grows in the spiral fashion. It is one of the few NPS corals that has done well for me. Here is a pic when I first got it last July: And one from August: I need to get a current picture, it is still doing great.
  4. Yeah, you really don't need to worry about supplementing it's diet (as said above). They are one of the more hardier urchins. I have had them come in live rock as hitchhikers.
  5. It's a short month, don't forget to vote in the picture contest!

  6. They are scavengers, so will eat algae, left over food, etc. But as the name implies, they can bore into rocks, and tend to know things over (loose frags).
  7. Should make that Attention Admin ... that is under Mike's control.
  8. Moved this to Off Topic. While it is DIY, it is not Reef Keeping > DIY But keep up the conversation!
  9. Nice! All I made were egg crates this morning (waffles ).
  10. You can purchase a premium membership via the online store (link at the top of the site). There is an option to have it mailed to you.
  11. Nope, all are welcome to come! Have fun folks! I am really going miss this meeting ... but I have to brave a drive to San Antonio for a kids b-day party.
  12. People can "null vote" which means just look at the results without voting. This is included in the final vote count.
  13. Voting ends on February 29th at midnight. See the full sized pictures here: http://www.austinree...09-february-12/
  14. Final day to get your LPS picture into the contest!

  15. Looking like a no now Kids birthday parties need to shuttle my daughter too.
  16. Flat green frags (i.e. money) is always welcome to trade at Frag Swaps
  17. I see those Paly's colored back up nicely!
  18. I am putting in a tentative yes. Depends on how things are going with the young'n.
  19. Your generosity and continued knowledge here are much appreciated!
  20. Head to Mexico for some fun Happy birthday!
  21. The category for February is: LPS. Show us your best shots of a LPS. Please note the new rules: Picture must be taken by you. One entry per person. Picture must be of an LPS in a fish tank or ocean. (New) You may only win once per calendar year. Thus if you win a photo contest in 2012, you will not be able to enter any future contests for the year. We feel this gives everyone a chance in the contests throughout the year. Submit your photos to the following gallery: http://www.austinreefclub.com/gallery/album/409-february-12/ Submissions close at midnight February 15th. Winner receives a $25 gift certificate to River City Aquatics (RCA)!
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