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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. During the first months of a tank being set up, it is common for the water parameters to fluctuate. This is especially true during the first month or so when a tank normally goes through the nitrogen cycle. But even after this, algae blooms work their way through as a tank matures. All of this can stress an anemone and cause it not to survive (this is true with a lot of corals/fish too). Anemones are a super-long lived creature in the wild, but in lots of cases tend to live only a slim fraction of that in captivity. So by providing a nice mature and stable tank, you can increase the likelihood of the anemone surviving.
  2. on the diving certification. I am PADI advanced certified, but have not dove in many, many, many years
  3. It should work now. There was a permissions issue with Professional Members that I fixed. Still no luck, man Try again. I told it to resync the permissions....
  4. Bump ... there were a lot of people who got ARC stickers at the swap Saturday. Make sure to "register" you vehicle here (see first post).
  5. It should work now. There was a permissions issue with Professional Members that I fixed.
  6. Sounds like you got some real nice stuff at the swap! I saw that red finger gorgonian ... nice catch there! I left empty handed .. though not on purpose. I meant to pick up some dry goods from the excellent array of stuff offered by Elegent Reef. But a tired 3 year old prompted me to leave before any major melt downs happened.
  7. 2 cookies left?! Wow. When we left at 6pm, there was a box and a half.... glad people liked them And thank you very much Pat for the extreme generosity in providing the meeting spot and awesome food.
  8. Moving this to the off topic, the Wanted To Buy is more for reef related stuff.
  9. Food wise bringing a cooler of soda's and water, along with two big containers of Chocolate Mint cookies.
  10. The community frag tank will be set up. There will be demonstrations on dipping protocols for various types of frags. As for access to it, that is a good question. This is the first time for the tank being set up.... Mike (mframe) might chime in later tonight or tomorrow. But I don't see any problem with you having access to it.
  11. Chocolate Mint Cookies are done.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamesL


      If I had eaten them all, I would be one sick puppy right now... but I did have to do some quality control testing ;)

    3. JamesL


      Don't worry Tim, I am bringing twice as many this time :)

    4. KimP
  12. Time to make the cookies.

  13. So you learn something every day I personally had not heard of any clowns ever hosting in a condy ... but I guess it makes sense since damsels and clowns are related. Thanks for the lesson.
  14. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in to stay away from "Condy" anemones. Clowns will not host in them (or pretty much anything else ... there have been reports of damsels hosting in them) ... in fact, the condy will eat them. If the clowns are new to your tank, give them time. I have a skunk clown that does not host in anything and is happy. Over time, your clowns might pick a coral to try hosting in. This can be good or bad, as sometimes they can be a bit overly agressive in hosting a coral and really bother them.
  15. For the 4 main raffles, yes they are limited to Premium Members: Sometimes we have general raffles for non-Premium members to participate. I am unsure if there is one at tomorrows meeting.
  16. Possibly, though for me I was seeing a small patch of cyno show up in my tank a few weeks back, but I haven't done a water change in many months *whistles*. Though I think it has disappeared on it's own (or my conch got it).
  17. Where to start? My primary job is an engineer for Advanced Micro Devices. My creative job is my 15 year old software company I founded, Seahorse Software, LLC. Started with Palm OS programs, now am a purveyor of fine iPhone/iPad/iPod touch programs. My third job is a Moderator here (former job) (Oh and husband and father of two) (Those are not particularly in order of importance)
  18. Thank you very much prof for your continued support of the club!
  19. You might double check on the type of gorgonian you are looking for. There are photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic ones. I have real good luck with the light loving ones... but not-so-good of luck with the non-light ones (except for spiral coral).
  20. Y'all are going to ruin the saltwater fish industry by buying these cheap fish!
  21. Do I need to remind people to keep this thread on topic also???
  22. Not really thinking this is an emergency level topic. Moving to the main section. The advice above is good. Also do a search on here for red slime or cyno.
  23. Picture contest voting topic posted.

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