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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. I did the same thing to my tank also... Looks way different now..<br /><br />How's the new clam settling in?

    Heh... funny you should ask about the clam... that is what sparked this whole re-arrangement. I had it up in the rock work, and Sunday it "fell off". I put it back, then later watched a damsel pick it up and throw it off again. So I started moving a rock to have a better "bowl", and well, almost every rock started to get moved.

    My wife said the damsels moved it again today. So still looking for a good spot for it.

  2. I am sure it will fit in my scion... Consider it won... The drawing is just a formality.

    Did it fit? Who did you drive it home for?

    I was sooo sure I would win it that I even took out the kids seats from the back of the Mini to make room... alas it was not to be.

    But that was a really sweet tank you guys donated! Thanks for all the C4 contributions!

    • Like 2
  3. Mine is pretty well mannered, though it has taken a liking to nipping a few of my gorgonians. So like everyone else is saying, it just depends on the fish I think. I used to have a flame angel that nipped at nothing.

  4. For the past 4 years I have been an Application Engineer at a local software company that pays me way too much for the amount of work I actually do. Before that I worked with for an asset disposition company for 3 or so years. Before that AMD for 4 years and prior to that Dell for 4 years. All tech jobs although my 4 partial degrees (child development, instrumentiontation engineering, chemistry, and business management) all have nothing to do with computers

    Another (ex)AMDer.. I might have passed you in a hallway at some point... coming up on my 15th year at AMD this June.

  5. Frog fish/angler.

    This this this.

    ...not sure if serious...

    I am. I believe there are some species that stay pretty small. While I don't have specific experience with them, I thought some other member on this board did.

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