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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. I purchased a Gen 1 Nest thermostat about a month ago... and guess what, I proceed to win a Gen 2 Nest recently! While I normally would have put up a newer product, the Gen 1 and Gen 2 are so similar hardware wise that I am keeping the older one as is.

    So I have an unopened Gen 2 Nest thermostat for sale. These things are great, I have been loving mine so far. The remote control capability is really nice. See all the cool features on the Nest website.

    These retail for $250, but I am asking $230 cash (no tax, no shipping!).


    Willing to meet in Buda/SW Austin area.

  2. Clean up crew (75g quick crew with hermits) from Reef Cleaners added today. That is a lot of snails and hermits, but considering I was down to one small hermit and a few nassarius snails, it was time.
  3. Just wanted to say "thanks!", as I got my 75g quick crew with hermits today. There were a tons more animals than I expected... the whole front of my 75 sand bed was covered in shells. And when you said you would included extra shells for the hermits, I thought it would be a few... not the bagful sent. All the animals are looking great, with most everything already venturing about.

    Looking forward to a much cleaner tank in the near future :)

    Here a few piles of the critters right after being put in.




  4. If you intent to go the jawfish route, you will need to be sure to design the tank layout for them. They need fine-ish deep sand bed to burrow. And since they burrow, you need to may sure all of your rockwork is touching the bottom of your tank (best way is to put the rocks in first, then add sand around them), else you will have avalanches. Jawfish also will use small shells and rubble to help build their tunnels. The jawfish I have had in the past woudl take a shell and cover their whole at night :) They do shift sand around a lot, so any sand dwelling corals (like plates) could get buried. There was a great video on the web showing a sand fight between a clown and the jawfish ... needless to say, the jawfish had the upper hand.

    The above is not to dissuade you on jawfish... they are great fish, and very personable, always hovering around their hole and working on it. When my two damsels finally go to the big tank in the sky, I might get another one... but as it is, they would bully it too much.

  5. Also did some DIY modding today ... took a 48" fluorescent fixture that originally came with my 75g tank, ripped out the guts, then installed 6 stunner LED's in it. Am using this as a sunrise/sunset mod to the tank to give me more viewing time without frying the fish with the two main BML fixtures :)

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  6. Better watch out, the world might end... starting to get my tank back in order.

    Got a new clean up crew on it's way (I think I am down to just a few nass. snails and 1 small hermit left).

    I changed all of the filters on my RODI unit, even the DI resin ... which of course took multiple times to stop leaking.

    New LED lights a few weeks ago.

    And a water change in the near future (after I burn my first gallon of RODI water)!

  7. Sounds pretty similar to what I have in my tank. Which fixtures do you have? After the lecture at c4 I've been kind of hooked on clams as well lol so ill probably end up buying one in the near future

    I bought two pre-made 48" reef spectrum ones from Aqua-Dome... I was in a pinch as my MH light konked out on me... but I have been very happy with them, not sure how I would have customized them any differently.

  8. What kind of corals are you keeping under these lights? I've also been thinking of getting 2 bml fixtures for my 120g. How have your corals been doing?

    My tank is mostly zoas, softies, a few photo gorgonians, but some candy canes at various levels, and a plat and brain in the sand. The big experiment is a small squamosa clam I have in the sand. The two BML strips are quite a bit brighter than my old 150 MH, so I think I should be good.

    And the corals have been fine, in fact one leather seems to be doing better. Some teal paly's are starting to shift color I think, at least the ones a bit lower in the tank to a bit more brownish ... which is something a guy mentioned (his name espaces me right now, but he is Mr. Santa :)) at C4 happened to him also with LEDs. Will be interesting to see what happens long term.

  9. Thanks Mike,

    I was really hoping for likes so I can find specific posts. I went through the 13 page FTS thread and liked tanks I may want to use as a reference. But, I'll just go back through it and make notes or something.

    When you do that, you can grab the permeant link directly to a post by clicking on the "<" symbol in the upper right corner of the post. Here is a screen cap of it:


  10. Can you tell we are spring cleaning? :)

    I have Ariens riding lawnmower I want to get rid of ... so much so, if someone will come pick it up, it is theirs for free, nada, no mulla.

    The catch ... it has a dead battery, and a broken mower deck. Specifically, one of the shafts that holds a blade has broken away from the deck itself, it has chewed up a few pair of blades before I realized that was the problem. Other than that it ran last time I used it :) It has new front wheels I put on a year ago.

    Even though we have almost 2 acres, only a small portion is mowable, and I have been able to do that by hand for a year or two now.

    If interested, PM me for directions (we are on the outskirts of Buda between Buda and the Salt Lick). I am going to craigslist it for free here in the next few days ... I really want the space back in my garage from it.


  11. I have a used hang-on-the-back Bak-Pak 2R+. Here is a description of it:

    The Bak-Pak 2R+ is designed for use in reef tanks where low nitrate levels are desirable, so contains no Bio-Bale media. This unit utilizes the same efficient protein skimmer as the Bak-Pak 2, while incorporating a new bubble reducing flow pattern. Measures 7-1/2" x 3" x 17-1/2".

    I had it running for many years on my 75g tank, but decided I did not need two skimmers on the tank. So I took it off and cleaned it up as best as I could. As you can see, it had a whole bunch of the little hard calcarious worms making residence in it.

    Included is the skimmer, skim cup, and pump.

    Asking $50 $40 cash, or possibly plate coral trades.

    I can meet in the Buda or SW Austin areas.


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