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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Sorry to hear about the gramma loss It is unfortunately part of the risk of this hobby. The corals are looking nice!
  2. I have had not problems keeping goldfish alive over the winter in my ponds, and they were pretty small ponds. The main issue I have had was raccoons fishing them out.
  3. No one faint, I did a water change on my little tank this morning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Planeden


      w/c leads to clean water, clean water leads to pretty tank, pretty tanks leads to obsession - that is the path to the dark side.

    3. JamesL


      You don't know me very well do you? :)

    4. Planeden


      nope. you could already be Darth L for all i know. but i would assume that water changes is not what led you down that path :).

  4. Those are pretty, too. We were sort of on a mission for a royal gramma and corals, so I didn't look that closely at all the fish. I finally nabbed a good picture of him... it is in my 24g thread. Your new coral additions look nice. The way cool thing about that leather is how large they can get. I started with one about that size and it ended up growing to about half the size of my old 24g tank. At that point it started dropping some babies ... and then I took a knife to it and made lots-o-babies.
  5. Got smart this time and I had my phone camera ready when I fed.. and looky who I got a picture of. His tiger pistol buddy has been hard at work making entrances all over the tank to his underground palace. In other news, I am note sure if my possum wrasse is alive It is hard to tell, because there are so many holes and crevasses for hime to hide in. But I was able to find him mid-day yesterday wedged ina hole not moving (mid-day nap?). But today I could not find him anywhere.
  6. Oh yes, now I remember new tanks. I hate having to scrape algae off the glass multiple times in one day.
  7. More pictures. Was using a screw on magnifier lens for these pictures. More showing off the colors: Stripes: Can't take enough pictures of the anemone: Spooky eyes: Watching you: Eye see you: Eye also see you:
  8. Grabbed the DSLR and took some quick pictures. Not to shabby considering I was holding the camera. Feeding time: Nom: Ready for halloween: To catch a clownfish: More eating: Love the colors in this anemone:
  9. Note to self ... have camera ready *before* feeding the fish. He came out of his cave snapping up the mysis. BTW, I was wrong .. the Dome had told me this was a blue spotted watchman ... not a yellow one.
  10. cool. glad you found some good stuff. You going to post pictures in your thread? i did see a big goby, but i did not realize they changed colors as they get older. i wonder if it is the guy i was thinking of. They may have some royal grammas coming in tomorrow, so I will try to get one this weekend. if no one beat me to it, i suppose. I would if everything was not hiding The goby and shrimp went immediately to work and dug a cave under the rock... they now hide there. I see the goby the most when I fed tonight. The possum is being shy also. And of course the porcelain crab is hiding inside my kenya tree coral. So yeah, not much outward activity going on in the tank right now. Ok, I was wrong .. I didn't get a yellow watchman .. but a blue spotted watchman (which I now remember the Dome saying). It looks like the picture on Live Aquaria.
  11. cool. glad you found some good stuff. You going to post pictures in your thread? i did see a big goby, but i did not realize they changed colors as they get older. i wonder if it is the guy i was thinking of. They may have some royal grammas coming in tomorrow, so I will try to get one this weekend. if no one beat me to it, i suppose. I would if everything was not hiding The goby and shrimp went immediately to work and dug a cave under the rock... they now hide there. I see the goby the most when I fed tonight. The possum is being shy also. And of course the porcelain crab is hiding inside my kenya tree coral. So yeah, not much outward activity going on in the tank right now.
  12. I saw a few gobies... I ended up finding a really large yellow watchman they had there, but it was in it's second color phase of olive green. I decided to go for it since they had a few nice tiger pistol shrimp also.
  13. Aquadome trip complete ... and there are swimmy things in the tank. I came home with a porcelain crab, a yellow striped possum wrasse, a small tiger pistol shrimp, and a really big and dark blue spotted watchman. I guess for the watchman since he is so large, he is in his second color phase of "olive drab with blue spots" (Live Aquaria's description). The pistol shrimp right to work digging in the sand... in the back corner of the tank! Um, hello, big rock with caves? The possum wrasse already has been checking out the holes in the rockwork. Pictures later when things are happier and not hiding
  14. Rats, and I was thinking of stopping up at the Dome today.. still might to look though as I want to add something to my little tank. Nice additions. If those are the same green paly's I have, they will spread and spread. The dendro is really nice, I used to have a bright orange sun coral. The hardest part for me and NPS corals is keeping up with the feedings on them.
  15. Hope you have a rockin' birthday today Robb (in Austin)! Thanks for all the work you do moderating here!
  16. Now that is what live rock looked like back when I started in the hobby 20+ years ago. Nice looking stuff!
  17. I think that would work to distract them
  18. And here I thought we were going to have a show down on who gets the fish I of course was going to let me kids do the show down part
  19. I really was hoping that this was the beginning of a split ... But it looks to be back to normal now.
  20. Said corals in tank. My normal white balancing didn't do much with my iPhone picture.
  21. Hmm.. a yellow watchman was exactly what I was thinking along with a tiger pistol shrimp. Though I would be surprised if it still there later this week. I have kept the smaller candy striped pistols and hi-fin gobies in the past.. thought the watchman would be a nice alternative.
  22. I have a feeling I might be on the hunt for a goby/shrimp pair later this week for the tank. The clean up crew has been pretty efficient at cleaning up the diatoms. Also, now I am starting to be a bit torn on getting a rose BTA or a rainbow BTA ... but man, the price on the rainbows are killer! Roses are just now starting to come down in price.
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