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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. Tests came back good .. no ammonia or nitrites. Took my kenya tree and green leather from the big tank and put it in this tank. These were also targets of the coral beauty.

    Also went to move some asterna stars over... how come I normally see a ton of them in the big tank, and today could find only 1?

    Also, re-thought my lock-line layout, and I think I have it where I won't be causing ripples in the sand.

    New pics once the corals are settled in.

  2. That plain ole holey rock?

    Yep. Decided to go the "base" rock path with this tank to keep some nasties out. Got the rock at Fish Gallery while checking it out... I believe I might have been the first person to purchase rock from the store :)

  3. I am not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but jawfish are known jumpers.. especially when they are first put in and have not established their burrow. I had one that kept jumping into my overflow box for days. So if you have an open top tank, I would consider screening it for a short while after adding the jawfish.

  4. I have heard/followed the one-per-family or body type rule. I have a Scopas and a Twinspot Bristletooth tang in my 75, and they pal around the whole tank.

    You might be able to get away with different combinations if the fish were introduced at the exact same time. But once they get their territory set up (i.e. the whole tank), fights would probably break out in similar looking tangs (like Scopas/Yellow/Sailfin).

  5. *in a dooming foreboding voice* Once a damsel enters, there is no turning back.... *end voice*

    I wish I had Bpb's luck with damsels. I got antsy when cycling my 75g and put some Talbot Damsels in ... they have become the scourge of the tank in thinking they own the whole thing (doesn't help they regularly spawn). The pick and chase everything that won't fight back. And forget ever trying to catch the little buggers... they are fast and dart into holes.

    On the plus side, they are inquisitive, and you always see them out and about swimming through the whole tank. My tangs and angel tend to be a lot more shy. And my skunk clown just hangs around the front of the tank.

  6. What size of brittle star were you thinking? I have heard some of the large ones can be predators in the tank and capture fish... just a word of warning.

    Congrats on the cycle!

    I've read this before, but not sure I buy it at all. They are GREAT scavengers and if you have a dead organism it will be one of the first to get on it. They are opportunistic so maybe, MAYBE if a fish was weak and dying it might "speed that up" but even then I'd have to question it. I just think people see it eating a recently dead fish and assume it was the killer. Would love to see proof otherwise. I have a serpent star in my main display tank, and brittle star in my sump.

    i think it may chalk up to different species and also inner-species temperaments. now that Ms. P mentioned it, the green serpent is the one i usually hear about being the most guilty. but i have seen a youtube video of a green serpent pawing at a feeding fish and the fish just swimming away without even looking annoyed. but i have also heard from people on here that i trust saying they have seen it. so, shrug. i will probably avoid the green serpent just in case.

    Yeah, now that Kim mentioned it, the serpent star sounds more right. Was just adding some warnings. As always, it is a fish-eat-fish world out there :)

  7. Here is the first coral transplant from the large tank. This poor photo gorgonian has been picked on by my angelfish. So re-homing it here, as it was one of my favorite corals, you get the look of a SPS without the hassle.


  8. Oh, and I forgot to mention that QT'ing a jawfish, they should be fine with the PVC pipes to hide in. When buying them on-line, a lot of vendors will ship them in small PVC pipes in the bag.

  9. i love the look of the sand. but, we'll see what the powerheads have to say about it. my powerheads have decided they want one corner of the tank to be BB smile.png.

    Yeah, that is happening in the front right corner of the tank. I don't have much flexibility with the current nozzle. If I turn it more flat or on it's side, I get too much water splashing at the surface. Going to spread out the flow with a T and lockline plumbing. Here is my utterly not-to-scale drawing I did when figuring out what pieces I needed:


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