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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. JamesL

    Sea rod

    Close up of one in my 75g.
  2. Remember we have a Full Tank thread also. But this is a nice spontaneous idea.
  3. Right now we have one photo contest entry. Tomorrow is the last day to submit your photos!

    1. mFrame


      C'mon guys, let's see what you have to show!

    2. Teresa


      I've got some gorgonians if anyone has a nice camera and wants to take some pics

  4. The April swap was down south. Meetings are based on who volunteers to host them.
  5. Come on folks, some one has to have a picture of a gorgonian they want to enter.
  6. *cough* Photo Contest Entries *cough*

  7. Another active fish would be something like a small six line wrasse. Very inquisitive, and moves around a lot (and is colorful). Pair that with maybe a yellow clown goby, which tend to sit and watch people back, and I think it would be a cool tank.
  8. bchap is our August Picture of the Month winner! Congrats!

  9. The category for September is: Gorgonians. They come in a range of colors, sizes, and shapes. Let's see your best picture of one! Please note the new rules: Picture must be taken by you. One entry per person. Picture must be aquatic themed/related. (New) You may only win once per calendar year. Thus if you win a photo contest in 2012, you will not be able to enter any future contests for the year. We feel this gives everyone a chance in the contests throughout the year. Submit your photos to the following gallery: September Photo Contest Gallery Submissions close at midnight September 15th. Winner receives a $25 Reefs2Go gift certificate!
  10. bchap is out August Picture of the Month winner! Congrats!

  11. I have been plagued by katydids and grasshoppers out here in Buda area. They devoured my garden this year.
  12. Last day to vote for the pic of the month!

  13. Final days to cast your vote for the Pic-o-Month contest!

  14. No problems coming up 130. In fact arrived here earlier than planned.
  15. Works for me... just it is showing the detailed view.
  16. Voting ends on August 31st at midnight. See the full sized pictures here: August Photo Contest Gallery
  17. Tomorrow is the last day to submit contest pictures!

  18. Yes you can. It is $30 and you can get your card on the spot.
  19. Video of the re-arranged tank up in my tank thread.

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