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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Come on UPS ... for once don't put me at the end of your route.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamesL


      Just some things with 5's in their names :)

    3. victoly


      Mine are coming in next week and the week after. My wife and I are going to physically fight to see who gets the first one.

    4. jestep


      Our UPS driver delivers around 6PM to our house. I usually ship stuff to my office which is a 10 - 11AM delivery, not that I need to use it at that time though...

  2. Dave, thank you for the graciousness (as always) for hosting this meeting. I won't be able to make it... this weekend and next a bit chaotic for me.
  3. Not sure what the size limit on uploads to the gallery is, but that is quite large. By comparison, the couple you sent me were like 5Mb each
  4. Post images and pictures to this album. If you would, add a short description of the item and tank size it came from. I will try and incorporate that into the video.
  5. Let me set up a gallery on here for people to post things.
  6. Is it Friday yet?

    1. victoly


      no, but it is beer thirty.

    2. dapettit
  7. It could be... when my kenya tree gets irritated, it retracts all of it's polyps, but I agree it is hard to tell. Like others said, move it out of any super direct flow and see if it opens up.
  8. Are you telling my all the times I've had female clowns attack me they were just wanitng to be fed more and not that they didn't like me? Well, in your case.... (To make you feel better, my female maroon would dart across the 75g just to bite me )
  9. The live rock will help with filtration ... which is going to be key in a predator tank. You need really good filtration since predator tanks tend to get fed a lot more/heavier than reef tanks. The live rock will also provide a more "secure" feel to fish in the tank, as lion fish like to hide to stalk there prey sometimes, plus eels like caves. Speaking of eels, you will need to make sure you have a good fitting lid. They are notorious escape artists. They don't quite understand they won't live outside of water. Many years ago I had a snowflake eel that I raised from 7 inches long to almost 1.5 feet. Over the course of the years, he was fine till one day he got it in his head to go exploring the dining room floor. Found him dried up on the floor the next morning. If you don't plan on keeping corals initially, you won't need an ultra-fancy light.
  10. Voting ends on September 30th at midnight. See the full sized pictures here: September Photo Contest Gallery
  11. Last day to get your photo contest entries in!

  12. JamesL

    Sea rod

    Close up of one in my 75g.
  13. Remember we have a Full Tank thread also. But this is a nice spontaneous idea.
  14. Right now we have one photo contest entry. Tomorrow is the last day to submit your photos!

    1. mFrame


      C'mon guys, let's see what you have to show!

    2. Teresa


      I've got some gorgonians if anyone has a nice camera and wants to take some pics

  15. The April swap was down south. Meetings are based on who volunteers to host them.
  16. Come on folks, some one has to have a picture of a gorgonian they want to enter.
  17. *cough* Photo Contest Entries *cough*

  18. Another active fish would be something like a small six line wrasse. Very inquisitive, and moves around a lot (and is colorful). Pair that with maybe a yellow clown goby, which tend to sit and watch people back, and I think it would be a cool tank.
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