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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Click the link above, and then you will now see an "upload" button on the page to send in your picture.
  2. Richard L is our October picture of the month winner!

  3. It's no trick, today is the last day to vote in the picture contest!

  4. +1 for how great the Harmony remotes are. If I didn't have a 900 already (and an 880) I would be all over this. Great price!
  5. I need to borrow those for some damsels....
  6. Kinda of looks like a favia (or moon coral).
  7. Great job! This looks easier than the snow white one I am on tap to do.
  8. Don't forget to cast your vote for Pic of the Month!

  9. I dropped the ball on this effort. Theresa had ever so sweetly asked me to put this together, and then I just got busy with other stuff. The only thing I was able to do was do a mini-movie of her favorite shrimp goby pair, which I have posted on YouTube:
  10. JamesL

    Petco LOL

    Blame the manufacturer, not the store in this case. Doing a quick search finds this exact same picture on multiple fish equipment sites.
  11. Last day to submit pictures for this months contest!

  12. Yeah, I went the lazy/easiest way to get $$$ fairly quickly. I was able to squeeze around $170 out of each of our 16GB 4's (4, not 4S). Probably could have made more via eBay, but was lazy.
  13. If you can't find buyers, you could go the Amazon trade-in route ... though I am sure the prices have dropped since I traded my old 4 in (a few days after the 5 came out).
  14. Good time for people to wear their ARC shirts I unfortunately won't be able to make it to this cool sounding tour ... will be off camping.
  15. Stingrays! (Think the stingray pool at Sea World that we got to see).
  16. Congrats to, um, me Will get the next contest up and going in a few days.
  17. Photo contest voting ends midnight on Sunday ... get your votes in!

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