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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Just a warning .. those palys could take over your tank. Those look like the same ones I got from RCA years ago, and they dominate 1/3 of my 75g. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing .. I am content with them covering up the rock. Though they have smothered some smaller zoas.
  2. I generally saw the most zoa growth with dirty water, and as the bulbs started to get old.
  3. Doh! My fault.. I didn't realize Sherita was the original one to post about it Chalk it up to lack of sleep.
  4. I really like the new tank layout. Looks very natural. And I am jealous... you have a jawfish and a pom-pom crab! I still want to get a pom-pom for my Symbiosis tank. Would love to get a jawfish for the large tank, but not while the damsel devils are in there.
  5. Can any ipad users running safari confirm? I don't have the browser or device to troubleshoot. Looks like Sherita can confirm in this thread.
  6. Thank you for your continued support! I still love my two BML 48" fixtures on my 75g, and will be buying more in the future for actinic on that tank, and possibly switching over my 24g to LEDs.
  7. Congrats on the new addition! I wish you lots of patience, as 1 girl tries mine to no end.
  8. When Aptasia-X won't work, reef putty will.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Does it work on GSP?

    3. KimP


      Until it pops up a couple weeks later just to the side of where you put the putty...

    4. JamesL
  9. Spring would be good, though we still wouldn't need admission, as our year passes are good through next June.
  10. Bump. Last night for adding your votes, though it seems we are many shy of the 50 needed.
  11. Clean tanks are happy tanks.

  12. I think he meant the comment was not needed. Good shot!
  13. How big is he? That picture could make him out to be the size of a quarter
  14. You need to hook up with JeeperTy (Ty the Real Estate Guy ) ... I think he specialize in selling houses with tanks.
  15. I bet not...if so u r brave handling a blue ring It's been done before by ARC members.
  16. Aiptasia are brown, so he won't want those
  17. It's symbiosis Sunday! I walked by the tank and one of the clowns was in the anemone, and the anemone shrimp wanted to join in too (it was in when I first walked by, but by the time I grabbed my phone, he had moved to the side). And I actually saw the phenomenon of the clown fish sucking on one of the anemone tentacles. Not really sure why they do that, maybe it helps with the anemone/fish bonding.
  18. Not really sure. I tried the picture trick a month ago, and the clowns just hung out by the picture I took the picture down after a week. I haven't tried anything else... in fact, I was beginning to be worried that the clowns might not host it due to my porcelain crab already taking up residence. The only thing I noticed a few days ago is that the clowns seemed to be try to host the live rock. And this morning I found one of them in the anemone again, with the crab below... so all seems to be going good!
  19. Yes! Yes! Yes! I came home to this glorious site this evening... my clowns are finally trying to host in the anemone! (The clomping in the background is not a wild horse running through the house, but our 1.5 year old ... almost the same thing)
  20. Yep. He isn't too shy now when he is hungry.
  21. More pictures. Mr. Clown Goby just hanging around: Posing clownfish: My watchman came out looking for food: Then he struck a pose: Clown pics:
  22. Picture time... I will warn you, they aren't that great. I was holding the camera and was rushing things a bit. Of course the anemone decided it was a good time to close up. Green zoas are looking good: New zoas I got today from RCA: Birdsnest frag, also new from RCA: My anemone shrimp .. have seen him on the anemone a few times, though the porcelain crab dominates it. My frag I made of the palys I had gotten from Fish Gallery:
  23. Loving seeing growth pictures! Looking good.
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