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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Tick Tock, C4 is right around the corner!

  2. You would have thought the drinking would have brought on the video....
  3. We expect pictures of your tank with your overnight camera!
  4. I want! If I ever set up a small tank again, I would love to have angler in it.
  5. The lizardfish picture really shows off the focus change!
  6. I think these should be a must have for meetings: http://toys.dailysteals.com/ $20 for two of them.
  7. Thanks! I am very happy with it so far. I am having some issues with the sexy shrimp, I know that they will sometimes eat zoas if not will fed and they do not seem to be eating them, but they mess with them causing my zoas not to come out. If you just added the zoas, the shrimp could be just checking them out looking for good bits to eat on the frag. But it is probably a good idea to keep an eye on them (I have never kept sexy shrimp before though ... so don't take my word as definitive advice ).
  8. Looks like it is off to a great start!
  9. Looking great! I like the clean lines of the tank.
  10. Holy cow.. just looked through the pico contest entries and all the tanks are going to be awesome! There are some real creative ones in there.

  11. Sorry to hear about the spate of bad luck ... but congrats on the upcoming little one! Remember, fish tanks make great kid soothers
  12. You mean the salary Mike pays you isn't enough??? Best fo luck though on the job hunt!
  13. Here are some quick panoramic pictures I took of the tank (this tank has been set up for 4 years now). The first one came out decently clear, but chopped off the top part of the tank: The second one shows the whole tank, but is grainy:
  14. Watch out, the world might end now... I did a water change last night!

    1. brian.srock


      Thought that was suppose to be a christmas present?

    2. JamesL


      Finally "unwrapped" it :)

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Who are you and what have you done with James?

  15. Happy New Year fellow ARC'ers!

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