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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. I haven't updated much on this tank, as well, not much has changed. The porcelain crab continues to dominate the anemone, the clowns just swim around, and the anemone shrimp still is cool.

    Of note, my tiger pistol shrimp seems bent on moving all of the sand from the left to right side of the tank :) And catching glimpses of him, I swear he has already tripled in size!

  2. Thanks y'all! BTW, the time span between picture #4 and #5 was a single day. I was determined to get this thing done.

    That's awesome! You throwing any goldfish in there to eat mosquito larvae?

    I hadn't planend on it, as I didn't want to invite the raccoons up to it. From what I had heard they won't lay eggs in moving water. But if I am wrong, I might get some mosquito fish to toss in there, nothing flashy.

  3. My wife has always wanted some type of water feature in the front of our property. In the back we have gone through various iterations of ponds.

    After talks and consultations we had decided to do a disappearing stream. Partly because raccoons had fished out the ponds in the back, and partly because we have this great natural hill/slope up front.

    Here are a few pictures of the process we (the royal we) went through. Not all the way finished yet, but finished enough to share :)

    In the beginning there was vast wilderness:


    This is what is takes to make the stream:


    We had dug in a bunch of places looking for a good start/end spot. The overall design changed slightly as I laid out the liner:


    And then the design changed after renting a jackhammer to remove some large lime stone to fit the 3'x3' box at the end (had to get rid of one of the planned waterfalls):


    After a whole day of work on it Saturday, this is the somewhat finished product. All of the side rock was collected from our property. The fountain rocks and the small river rocks were purchased:


    Close-up of the fountain overflow:


    So that has been my week+ of "fun". More to do on it. Need to get permanent electricity out to it, we want to slope the ending rock down more, add lighting, and then plant landscaping around it.

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  4. well, you better get a picture of a clown goby in a coral and train him. otherwise you have to change the name of the tank to the semi-symbiotic tank. unless you want to try to make the argument that he drops detritus into the sand for the worms that use it for food and clean the water for the fish. but, if that's the case then your symbiotic tank wouldn't be that original since most of us have that. smile.png

    Tough crowd! :)

    I will have to tell the clown goby to start getting symbiotic right away.

    • Like 1
  5. Looks like my clam I got at C4 up and died :(

    It was looking great a few days ago, and today the shell is open and the flesh all pulled in.

    So the great clam under LED's experiment is at the end. Can't say what the exact cause of death was. I definitely see shell growth on it.

  6. ah, the rare arguement FOR a small tank. hope your little goby shows up.

    just thought of it, when i was at RCA they said the little clown goby was not a prawn goby. is he symbiotic?

    The clown gobies were added to the tank because my wife likes them (my damsels are too mean to have them in the big tank). So technically they break my symbiosis theme a bit. Though they do like hanging around in corals. In my previous 24g tank, I had one that would swim inside a long tentacle plate.

  7. Anyone have any pictures of auto top offs for tanks without sumps? Ever since converting my 75g to open top, I have been having to add water every other day (even with LEDs).

    The tank has a HOB Fuge.

    Also interested in a smaller scale for my 24g... it is also open top, but has not been evaporating water as fast (funny, as that has a MH over it).

  8. Your tank is looking really great! I like the livestock you've added so far.

    Thanks Kim. I am remembering now the niceness of small tanks... being able to see the small critters much easier. The anemone shrimp is really cool to watch just walking around the rock work.

    • Like 1
  9. Things doing well. The only thing to report is that one of the clown gobies has disappeared. If it died, probably got cleaned up pretty quickly.

    Algae on the glass is reducing a lot.

    Still loving the anemone shrimp, even though he just hangs around the tank.

  10. My sister-in-law recently moved into the Austin area, and has come to the decision that she can not keep her blue heeler puppy. I believe it is around 6 months old and has had all of it's shots except it's last rabies one.

    She is looking to give it to a person that can provide the time and good home for her to go to. The puppy is very active, loves to chew, and has done well outside. Her name is Mica (not sure on the spelling .. pronounced meeka). The dog is currently located in the I-35/William Canon area.

    PM me for contact information if you are genuinely interested.

    Here are some blurry pictures I took Friday night ... the dog would just not sit still.




  11. I have them in my tank ... they generally don't open up till night and my zoas seem content with them.

    At one time I have a Pakistani butterfly in the tank that loved them. But when they got scarce, he turned to eating the zoas skirts.

  12. This is the anemone shrimp I recently got at the dome. It was a few weeks ago, but they had a few in the tank:

    That's basically exactly that I'm looking for! I may have to buy up all the rest...tongue.png

    Remember how much ya paid?

    I think around $20 ... but I can't exactly remember, it was at the end of my shopping spree that day.

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