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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. At the bottom of the site is a "Change Theme" link. I have seen the theme revert when I have logged into the mobile version of the site and changed the theme from there.
  2. Just hopping on board with the no issues with long pre mixing. I have a 55g trash can with a pump and heater in it. It normally takes me a few days after making it to do the changes. And before anyone speaks up, I am talking about when I do my bi-annual water changes
  3. Did I mention I added a single spot fox face to the tank? He is a big chicken fish, but is starting to pal around with the tangs.
  4. I plan on coming. My wife is going this Friday with the kids and her moms group. So I am interested in getting her feedback.
  5. I have 2 48" BML's I got from the Dome. They were preconfigured, probably the Reef Spectrum. I don't have SPS, but my sympodium has really taken off with the LEDs. I do have a maxi mini carpet on the sand of my 75 gal which is doing really well.
  6. Picture time! I finally got around to doing some thorough cleaning on the tanks... and decided to take some pictures the next day.
  7. So this is what clean tanks look like.

  8. Anyone want to do some water changes for me?

    1. Planeden


      isn't that why you had kids? cheap labor.

    2. JamesL


      I think not changing the water is safer in that case.

    3. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      You got that right!!! I don't let mine even touch the glass.

  9. The drop off reef guy is finally going to do his tank?
  10. Sweet! I am really loving my RBTA. It has gotten really bubbly lately, and am wondering if that is because it is time for me to change the MH bulb. I have one clown that always hosts in the anemone, and the other clown half hosts the anemone, and half hosts in some palys also.
  11. 2 Porcelain Crabs walk into a 75g tank... and are promptly never seen again.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JamesL


      There is a carpet in there they might appear in. In my small tank. the porcelain hangs out in the rose BTA.

    3. dapettit


      They followed those sexy shrimp, you'll never see them again!

    4. JamesL


      I saw one porcelain this morning in the big tank. Though he was hiding down in a mini cave. The sexy shrimp are in the little tank where I can see them (except when they jump into the overflow).

  12. Doh! Forgot to buy my ticket by end of 2013 When is the next round of early tickets going up?
  13. Psst.. buying a calendar has a secret C4 benefit... but I will let you find that out
  14. There was a poll done on the board asking people their parameters: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/27946-arc-poll-what-are-your-target-tank-parameters/ And Planeden is right... 78 is about the average temp people keep their tanks.
  15. On thing to consider with an all live rock bottom is that cleaning the glass near the rocks is going to be a pain. At least with sand, you can get a razor blade partway down. Just a thought.
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