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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Thanks! I would have entered a picture of my cinnamon clowns if I could have gotten a better picture of them. Instead I entered my peek-a-boo maroon picture. Though your waving clownfish picture is going to be hard to beat
  2. Ok, so I have been lacking in keeping up this blog. But I also have been lacking in taking pictures too. And only slightly lacking in maintenance on the tank So without further ado... Pictures!! Click on them for larger versions. Blue Zoanthids: One of the 2 new Cinnamon Clowns (not the greatest picture): Orange Ricordia: Daisy Clove Polyps: Red Hermit Crab: Galaxia Coral: Full Tank Shot:
  3. Don't feel bad, that is a mighty fine looking non-wrasse you have there
  4. Ahh.. that makes sense with the multiple browsers. And not sure why NanoReef doesn't give me grief when I switch between browser types. Oh well, just helps me keep my memory up by needing to remember my passwords
  5. So what type/size of barrels are they? $11 a piece is a great price! And that place is somewhat close to my work...
  6. Woo! You are the man! Can't wait to hear what the deal is ... we still haven't gotten around to getting some rain barrels .. even though the place is right down the road!
  7. Hehe ... I was going to suggest we block the ability to vote for ones own pictures (like NR.com), but with how low the votes are here, might not be a good idea.
  8. Nope, that didn't help. On all three computers here at work (my linux box using Firefox, my windows laptop running Firefox, and my iPhone running Safari) I hit the "Delete all cookies" link on the web page. I then proceeded to log in on my linux box, worked fine. Then left the site. I then logged in on my laptop, and left the site. I then logged in on my iPhone and left the site. When I went back to ARC on my linux box, I was logged back out.... Oh well, I guess I need to play with the combinations more to see if I can find a pattern. My ain complaint was more for my iPhone, as it does not have a web site password manager ... the other two machines will auto-fill in my username/password. Not sure if it matters, but I have the "Remember Me" checked in each of the login pages. And I always load the Forums directly (bypassing the main page).
  9. Is there something that can be done that will allow me to stay logged into ARC when accessing the site across multiple computers? Throughout the day I switch computers a couple of times, and it seems that every time I need to log back in... Cookies are enabled, and I have the "Remember me" checked. If I access ARC from the same computer consistently, I do not get this problem. It only happens if I say, access from my work desktop, then a while later access it from my laptop. I do not have these type of issue with Nano-Reef.... Thanks ... just a minor gripe to make the board a bit more easier
  10. Cool new addition! I agree, you might be the only entry
  11. Yeah, those are the same titles as the DVDs. And no worries Headless ... been way to busy to watch much TV (that is why the DVR is full )
  12. Nice! Just asking, as I already own the Blue Planet DVD's. Was seeing if I needed to clear space on my DVR to record these "new" ones (but doesn't sound like it).
  13. So is this different than the Blue Planet DVDs?
  14. I use a plastic "widget" that take flat metal razor blades. This works real good on getting the tough stuff off. Just need to replace the blades every so often as they rust, and only works for glass.
  15. At this rate, they will all be for GreenMako's photo
  16. This is the one I got from Dr. F&S: Red Sea Phosphate Test Kit It works ok, though I don't have anything to compare it to in terms of reliability.
  17. Wow.. that is cool .. how long has that been there??
  18. Sorry we missed the meeting We got caught up in doing yard work (since it was so nice that day), by the time we came in it was already 4:30.
  19. JamesL

    mojo's Blog

    Man, I am impressed x 2. First, well, obviously because this will be (and already is) an awesome tank! Second, that you are having the patience to take photographs along each of the steps. Great work!
  20. Some zoas are poisonous, most the Paly's (they have Palytoxins ). The poison is if you inject it, so don't go eating your corals , and make sure to wash your hands afterwards. Hmm... not sure about the pink thing then. Pictures are in order!
  21. Just a guess on the cute flowery thing, it might be clove polyps like these: If so, then I super glue gel (like Andrew said) should work fine. Mine started spreading quickly.
  22. Oo.. will have to remember to bring the checkbook Hmm.. I can frag some GSP
  23. Welcome! Definitely come to the meeting this Saturday ... you might walk out with some cool prizes
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