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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. 1) My first job was in a pet store. 2) I have never worked in a restaurant or fast food place. 3) I dislike chicken. 4) Moved from Michigan (and am not going back ). 5) My wife (of 2 years now) and I met on the road while separately driving home from functions.
  2. View from standing on Fox Glacier in New Zealand:
  3. I actually think this is a good idea A "worst your tank has looked" contest maybe.... I have a few pics that could compete (not sure if this is a good thing )
  4. I'll weigh in on the smaller side of things with my 24g. The plastic dome is no longer there, as the ric finally attached to a shell. Edit: Reduce the picture size and made it clickable.
  5. Come moved down to Buda ... life seems a bit slower down here
  6. Thanks! The crab has been "dealt with". If I had the time that day, I probably would have taken him to a LFS and traded him in. One side benefit of getting rid of the Sally is I see my elusive purple porcelain crab more now! He has gotten real big, and likes to hang out where the sally did because it is under a jet of water from the spray bar. Regarding the clownfish, that is my thoughts too. There definitely is a winner int his fight, so I hopefully the change will happen and we have a happy pair again soon.
  7. JamesL


    Interesting. Well since I don't have SPS, I am not too worried. Was more asking as months back I lost a lot of Clove Polyps for no apparent reason (everything else was just peachy). But I recall there be a nother thread by someone who had the same thing happen...
  8. It is funny ... when you are trying real hard to capture something, you can't. Yet this weekend, when I walked past my tank, I saw the dreaded Sally Lightfoot on the sand near the front glass. I thought, "well, why not try and catch him with a net". And I did!! B) I just very slowly put the net in and trapped him against the front glass. Now I should have a bit safer tank, as he has attacked and ate a clown goby and porcelain crab in the past. Other interesting development is the clownfish. I have this small pair of cinnamon clowns, who were best buds up to a few days ago. Now it looks like the fight for dominance has started. One has gotten it's fins tore up by the other. Hopefully they will work out the pecking order soon.
  9. Welcome! Great looking tank
  10. JamesL


    Interesting ... I have never heard of the coral burn before. Was there particular corals that are affected? I have my moonlights on 24/7 on my tank. They are not that powerful, just the two standard blue ones that come on the Aquapod 24g.
  11. *whistles* some mighty fine pictures posted ... I for some reason have a hard time getting a good picture of zoa's.
  12. Both pictures are really outstanding (especially the first one)!
  13. Yeah .. my overall intent is to offer my PalmOS games on the web (first for iPhone/touch users, later for all web peoples)... I am first starting off with a new game I already had in the works for the Palm platform, then I will work on porting my more popular games.
  14. Woo! Another iPhone user ... will have to get in touch with you for beta testing once I get my first web app done But back on topic ... ah that might explain it then, as I have to use Edge at work with my iPhone...
  15. Ooo.. a gift certificate. Very cool! Hope I didn't use up all of my luck by winning last months contest Edit: Adding my entry...
  16. Wo ... something actually eats GSP?!?! I need some of that.. my GSP is taking over the tank
  17. JamesL

    hello im new

    That is funny! But back on topic... welcome to the club!
  18. Yeah ... I didn't like the ProBlack before... but now that I switched to it, it does look better.
  19. Ack! You changed the look of the board ... to the blah gray that NR.com just recently did too. I liked the more colorful version.... guess I will just have to get used to it now.
  20. Personally, the fixed or variable width are both good... I don't really care for the problack.
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