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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Does it have a purple or redish base? Does it retract at night? If so it could be a type of Star Polyps. Can't tell much more without better pictures
  2. I am selling my 24g Aquapod setup as I ust upgraded and moved all of the livestock to a 75g tank. Everything was bought back in early 2006. The tank is in good condition. The hood is in OK condition, it works perfectly, but the hinges have broke and the plastic covering over the lights is cracking. Here is what is included: - 24g AquaPod tank with false back wall, one hole drilled for a second return - Hood with (1) 32W SunPaq Dual Actinic 420/460nm Compact Fluorescent, (1) 32W SunPaq Dual Daylight 6700ºK/10000ºK Compact Fluorescent, (2) blue moon lights. The CF bulbs were just replaced in mid-November. - Stand, one side opens to reveal storage space - Sapphire AP24 skimmer, designed specifically to fit in the back sump of the AquaPod - 2 MaxiJet 900 pumps - 1 Hydor rotating deflector, locline output in tank (plus extra sections) - 100W heater - Digital Thermometer The skimmer alone costs about $125 new. I am asking $250 for everything listed above. The tank had water in it since 2006, I just emptied it this evening to clean up everything. I live in Buda, and work in the Oak Hill area. Here is a picture of the tank in it's prime:
  3. Almost brand new, used only for a week until the metal halide fixture came for my new 75 gallon tank. It is a 40 Watts. Dr Foster is selling them for $62.99 + shipping. I am asking $50. I live in Buda, and work in Oak Hill area.
  4. Those are great pictures all around, but I really love the six-line pictures... I never could get mine to stay still long enough to get decent shots
  5. Thanks... I have been busy with iPhone apps and a new baby (OK, the second has consumed most of my time since she was born at the end of September). So what do I do when I don't have enough free time? Start a new tank I hope to be like you and eventually put a streaming webcam on a portion of the tank.
  6. JamesL

    Xenia Care

    Ya know, that is what I heard from a lot of people ... but when I added Xenia to my tank, it never took off. In fact, it never did much for months on end till one day it just melted. I had other softies and hard corals in there and all were doing great. It just varies from tank to tank. But I had my own weed: purple star polyps. I bought a rock that had a tiny patch on it... it almost covered everything in my old 24 gallon tank! It started growing along the back, grew over zoa's, you name it. In my new 75 gallon tank I made "exile island" where the star polyps can live, but is surrounded by sand to prevent it taking over everything again.
  7. Without much fan-fare, I have shut down my 24 gallon Aquapod. But the good news is all the contents are now in a 75 gallon tank! I will update with some pictures in the near future. One thing I will say is I finally got a pair of naked clownfish for the new tank
  8. +1 on this. I skipped over a 55 and got a 75 because of the added depth of the tank. I am happy I did.
  9. I have one in my 24 gallon Aquapod and it works great. It took a little fiddling to get the exact skim-mate right, but after that it is pretty much no hassle. Just dump and clean the collection cup as needed. -James
  10. Hope everyone had a great holidays and lots of reef-stuff under the tree. I haven't posted much lately as my 24 gallon has been on auto-pilot, but... I myself got a new 75 gallon tank which is filled up and starting to cycle. Will have to post details later. -James
  11. Great looking tank! And I really like the crescent shape to the rock layout. I tried doing that once in my 24 gal tank, but there was just not the room to make it stable. Maybe in the next tank...
  12. Bumping for a great price on the tank and stand. Passing on it for now, as it is larger than what I am looking for.
  13. Color me jealous! I so wanted a pair of naked clownfish a while back, and could never find them in town. I ended up settling for a pair of cinnamon clowns. Great looking fish, congrats!
  14. Gotta add the obligatory sun coral shot....
  15. Congrats! I went for the black 16 gig (got it last Thursday after waiting in line at the Barton Creek Apple store for 1.5 hours at lunch time). My wife is now using my original iPhone.
  16. Thanks! I was glad to make it in the launch also. With 10 million applications downloaded from the App Store this weekend, I don't think you were the only one having fun! Man, I tried twice to get a 3G ... once on Friday, the line was nuts at 8am... and once on Sunday, but they had already sold out.
  17. Apple has been pretty tight-lipped on how things will work. It doesn't look like there is going to be an easy way to provide trial versions, short of me creating a whole new feature-limited free program (from what I gathered, registration codes are a no-no).
  18. I just put up some screen shots of my first iPhone/iPod touch game that should be launching in July with the iPhone 3G/2.0 firmware release: BlackJack Run Page This game is a port of my popular Palm OS BlackJack Solitaire game. Now that I have the new web page done, time to get cracking on the next program
  19. I had to vote the "I'm fine" option because, well, my reef tank is basically on cruise-control. It has been pretty much stocked to the brim for quite a while. I might be selling some corals in the future, but that is mainly because my huge toadstool leather keeps dropping pieces which I am attaching to rocks and growing whole new corals.
  20. Hope you waited (and are waiting for July 11th) I suspect I will be a-hunting down an AT&T store to try snagging a 3G version.
  21. Here is a picture from last year ... I need to grab one from this year, as the lizard tail really filled in, and finally bloomed this year. (Click for larger) I do have a water lily, but the pond it shaded for a good part of the day, so it doesn't bloom much. And last year I made the mistake of adding some water lettuce, and that choked out the lily. So late in the year I removed/destroyed all of the lettuce (ensured it did not make it to streams!), and the lily is looking better this year. I actually got a picture of the pond published in a new book about mini-aquariums! (Well, I guess a 100 gallons is "mini" for a pond ). I also got some pictures of my 24g reef tank in there.
  22. Great pictures! And I still love your pond overall (from the other thread). Mine has been somewhat neglected lately... but I did add some new plants that we got from the Wildflower Center plant sale. The raccoons though keep knocking them over We had a whole mess of tad poles in the spring! Haven't looked in there lately to see how many are left, but I have been hearing the leopard frogs singing at night.
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