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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Thanks! I think they still need work on improving the quality of them... but that requires time, which I don't seem to have much of
  2. The Scopas is about 2.5" in diameter (not counting it's fins). I have had this clown goby since April of 2007 (had to dig around on an old fish blog to find that). I actually have had pretty good luck keeping them. I have only lost them to predators (I had bought 2 that April, and a stupid Sally Longfoot crab got one) and a tank crash.
  3. Scopas Tang: "Jr" from the old 24 gallon (sitting on he frogspawn also from the old tank): FTS: The whole thing:
  4. As mandated, this post contains pictures I still need to fiddle with the camera to get the pictures to come out better. But as usual, didn't have much time. Tuxedo urchin: Cynaria: Kenya: Red Gorgonian: Pulsing Xenia: Zoas: The SPS I bought before:
  5. I might have to resort to that, as I am not finding time to take pictures. I was lucky enough to squeeze in a water change last night. Darby's was nice, but I was told I hit them at their lowest stocking point. They get their shipments in on Thursday's (and I went on a Tuesday). They seemed to cater more towards fish (both salt and fresh), with only a handful of corals... but again, that could be the pre-shipment thing. It is still a haul from even Buda, so would probably only visit them again if I am in the New Branfels area.
  6. What other fish do you have in the tank? It might be possible a fish is bothering it. I read on another forum that someone had a Scopas Tang that loved to eat xenia... (which figures I just got a Scopas and xenia not to long ago....).
  7. Amazing... I am drawn into the blackness...
  8. I was just reading that some tangs will pick at LPS to get them to excrete excess symbiotic algae, it is like candy to the fish. I bet that is what the angel was doing. The same source also said the LPS is generally not damaged, and I would assume the same goes for your zoas.
  9. The close-up of the fish is great! Mine never hold still long enough to get good pictures of them
  10. Wa wa what??? $2600 for a pleco?!? And people thought saltwater folks where crazy for shelling out large amounts of money for fish. I will stick with my $22 tang.
  11. Past couple of days have been busy with acquiring new stuff.... just putting an entry into to capture the names of the new stuff. Will post pictures later. On Monday went to RCA and got: - More turbo snails. - Kenya tree frag - Zoa frag - Pulsing Xenia frag - Small Red Cynaria with green specks. On Tuesday I finally got a chance to visit Darby Tropicals in New Branfels and got: - Scopas Tang - Red branching gorgonian - Tuxedo Urchin
  12. Wow! I didn't even know that was a real fish in our logo
  13. Thanks! I picked up some new frags today to RCA ... gotta start populating the tank
  14. JamesL


    I have heard of this... but not the gently part. What I heard was to "grate" some coraline algae in from of a powerhead to make it spread faster.
  15. How was the first day? Also, do you know if RCA is open today (some places are closed for MLK day)? I have some tank sale money I need to "re-invest"
  16. You could get some pom-pom crabs ... they have a symbiotic relationship with the anemones they carry.
  17. JamesL

    New Setup!!!

    I like the cave/ledge (and the overall rock work too)! It looks like you are going to have a lot of places to put corals on there.
  18. JamesL


    Remember when using Purple Up (or any calcium additive) that you actually need some existing coraline algae in the tank to get it to spread. Purple up does not contain any corlaine algae. But with that said, I have/do use it and had good results in my old 24 gallon tank. I am using up a bottle of it now in my new 75 gallon, which has my old rocks from the 24 gallon.
  19. +1 I agree with another poster that they probably are good for filtration. I have a rash of tiny anemones (not Astapia, I think they are orange bulb).. but they don't seem to be bothering stuff too much. They close during the day, and are open at night. I see a lot of them mixed in with my zoas.
  20. I want to see them do that on a Clown Goby
  21. Congrats! Seems like there are a few members here working at RCA. I need to trek up there again to help stock my tank.
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