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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Anything amiss in tank parameters? Salinity, temp, ammonia, etc?
  2. Sorry to hear I will have to keep that in mind, as my Scopas does the same thing, zipping through the tank... and I want to get an anemone also down the road.
  3. It is never to early to add snails in my opinion (well, as long as they have something to eat). I have always cycled my tanks with a basic clean-up crew. The peppermint shrimp though will probably be more susceptible to ammonia/nitrite spikes. But if you have not see any in a few weeks, it might be worth the risk to add a few. Plus, since you don't have anything else in there, they can concentrate on eating the aiptasia and not scavenging other food.
  4. I had one of my Talbot Damsels get pop-eye a few months back, and I left it to fate... a week later the eye was all fine. So it can heal itself, but not sure how often.
  5. Can't really tell from the picture, but kinda sounds like some type of hair algae.
  6. Oh why, oh why did I click this link??? Nice colors, but still gives me the creeps! In the years I worked at a pet store, I could never pick up the spiders. When people bough them I either had them pick them up or corralled them into a box.
  7. Interesting idea. I understand why they went the initial route of just a bunch of pictures, as that is the most compatible with all devices. But I wonder if they are working on something more polished, like a real iPhone application... with the right features (search, additional information) it could be a really useful program.
  8. Buddy (top of the chair) is part dachshund, part terrier (we think Jack Russel). Got him from local shelter. Bella is part German Shepard, part terrier. She was found on brother-in-laws ranch near Corpus.
  9. You can also add some PVC pipe buried in the sand, and release the fish into it. There is a good chance it will take up residence. I have a yellow head jawfish who would not settle down in the tank and burrow out a hole. And my talbot damsels were picking on him. So I put some PVC pipe in the sand, with the opening in towards the front of the tank, and push him to it. Once inside the tube, he start defending it, and the damsels have left him alone. He has now put shells and rocks in the tube to his liking, and sometimes covers the whole at night with a shell.
  10. Well, haven't updated in a while because my tank has been plain-ol-ugly. I have had a very abd spell of diatoms/brown algae. I think I finally narrowed it down to my RO/DI (familiar story for some). Need to change the filters in it plus the resin. Once I did that, the output water is once again back to a TDS of 0. I think the tank is finally starting to crest in the brown algae department. Only other news is I lost my clown goby He was looking pretty ragged, and I think it was just old age.
  11. Now that is an anemone I would love get eventually. It looked great with the naked clownfish (and I am sure my two naked clowns would love something that that!).
  12. Heh. Those are probably the same people that think whales and such just vaporize when they die (of natural causes). I personally think these are a great idea.
  13. Fantastic pictures. And the picture of the closed basket starfish is very unique. I have heard they are kinda hard to keep, so it is interesting seeing one in an aquarium.
  14. I have these in my tank too (the orange ball morph), and I am torn on them being good or bad. At first, they seemed neutral, and didn't really bother much of anything as they normally stayed closed during the day. But recently, they have gotten out of hand in a zoa patch, and I think they are keeping the zoas from opening. So I am thinking about trying some target elimination with lemon juice.
  15. Love the anthias. And the chalice's are neat also. I will have to look into getting some for my tank down the road.
  16. I think this is the funniest part of the story.
  17. Good start to the picture taking. Just keep playing around with the camera and you will get some amazing pictures. When I saw the picture of the hermit, I thought you snuck into my house! I have one with a shell that looks exactly like that.
  18. I would refer to blinside and Cool Breeze for info, as they have kept rock anemones. My info was just general based. But most anemones will re-attach to a rock in a short period if there is no flow pushing them off. You might try push it up near the rock work.
  19. Well, it is very hard to tell from the picture, but it does kinda look like a rock anemone. Anemones will detach/move when stressed, or the the flow/lighting has changed. Most rock anemones I have seen in tanks are normally near the sand bed.
  20. I had a sapphire skimmer for my Aquapod. Had some microbubble issues in the beginning, but after running it a while, and fiddling with the water level I got it running smoothly. Joshman now has it, so maybe he can chime in with his thoughts.
  21. Yeah, I tried Marine Snow before and did not like it. I have had better luck with Cyclopeeze (frozen or freeze dried).
  22. You (or someone else) hasn't done a dose of Red Slime Remover in the tank recently? This turns the tank yellow. I am assuming not, since you are going to great lengths to find the cause. I am kinda of at a loss also, with the only thought being a suspended algae bloom.
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