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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. The cerith snails have been laying eggs all over the back wall and in the upper corners of the tank.
  2. Thanks for the offer, but don't go through the trouble. Some things came up, and I won't be able to participate in this one. Oh well, there will always be the Take 20 order
  3. Eep. Yes, a TDS of 76 would definitely contribute to cyno and green hair algae. You preferably want the TDS as close to zero as you can get it before you mix the water with salt. Start using some different water, and continue to watch the nutrients you add to the tank (excess light, excess food, etc), and you should start getting things to turn around.
  4. Putting this in the Reefkeeping Discussion, as I don't think you were trying to sell all of those nice frags
  5. JamesL


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  6. Riiiiiiiight Some of the prices get crazy for them!
  7. Has anyone ordered the Vivid Picks Zoa Package? Just curious on how the assortment of zoas came out. I am contemplating joining this order. I picked out 5 zoa's which was more than the 10-pack collection! Yes, yes, I know, the 4 I picked guaruntees I get the colors I want.
  8. Hey stranger! You ain't getting out of the hobby are you? Ok, didn't want to hijack your selling thread .. back to business
  9. I have never had problems with mine, but I have read on other forums that they can be real spotty. Some people complain of them just flat out failing, while others say they can be off by anywhere from a few degrees to 5 or more.
  10. *whistles* Very nice!
  11. I like the brain side of the tank. Is that an orange brain? I think I have a small (super small) version of that I am trying to grow out.
  12. Sorry to hear about the loss of the mantis. I think you have basically done everything right since you figured out the problem. You could do smaller water changes on a daily basis for a while if you want, but since the corals and hermits seem to be doing ok, you might not have to. I am surprised the mantis took a hit like that. Normally they are one tough buggers, but shrimp in general do seem to be more sensitive than say crabs.
  13. Crazy colors! Very nice.. I can see how these are addicting to collect.
  14. At this rate, we might have to rename ARC to ASC (Austin Seahorse Club) .
  15. The angelfish don't eat the food before the horses get a chance? I can understand the bottom dwelling fish, as they rarely will go too far from there burrows to capture food.
  16. I thought I had heard that vertical height was important for seahorses (except for pygmy ones)? Thanks! Glad to be of help around here. We know how rowdy this place can get I wish I could set one up ... but right now free time is at a premium. Maybe when our little girl gets older, I can put a seahorse tank in her room
  17. Welcome to ARC, and welcome to the saltwater hobby! Be prepared to learn lots, and spend equally lots of money This site offers a diverse resource of people to learn from. -James
  18. Y'all are making me really want to set up a seahorse tank
  19. Waiting for the pictures... Sounds like a nice addition! Volleyball size is incredible!
  20. Please do! At least my flame angel does not put up with the bullying and stands it's ground.
  21. I can't really help in terms of green chromis, but I can share my experience with Talbot Damsels. I bought 4 of them to school in my 75g. Well they didn't. 3 of them ganged up and killed the 4th. The other 3 became semi-agressive and tried bullying the other tank mates. Now one has emerged as the leader (I believe it is a male), and has now spawned with the other two. He is still guarding/fanning/cleaning the clutch of eggs in his cave. So I suspect you will need the 5-7 number...
  22. This and controlling excess nutrients in the tank. I have my lights up to about 12hrs (10a-10p) and only have one small patch of cyno on my back wall. I think that is a spot of the least flow.
  23. Wow did not know this... learn something every day.
  24. One more day to get your submission in!
  25. Welcome to ARC! Everyone that I have seen keep seahorse says that Seahorse.org is a vital resource. Additionally, a person on another forum had real good things to say about purchasing seahorses from Seahorse Source. Of course, you can also check the local stores. I have seen them available at Aquadome and AquaTek. But you might want to be sure they are eating at the store before purchasing them. Good luck with them!
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