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Everything posted by JamesL

  1. Um, yeah, good question I didn't mean to belittle the possible dangers. You are actually the first person I have heard having such a severe reaction to handling Palys. Everything else I have read has always been basically fearmongering with no real proof. There are so many animals in this hobby that have some amount of "poison" in them like the canary blenny.
  2. I don't want to derail Dena's thread about this too much, so if this leads down a long discussion, I will split the thread and move this to the reef discussion forum. This is a very common question when people first hear about Palytoxins. I think the short answer is most zoa's don't contain this, and those Paly's that do... well it is harmless unless you do something silly like eat them. A slightly longer answer is, like all "poisons", it depends on the person. Some people are severely allergic to bee stings, some aren't.
  3. Heh.. wasn't trying to be mean Though, you say he hides a lot ... I take it is a pretty docile? I need something that will stand up to my Talbot Damsel bullies. They picked on my jawfish till he was in his burrow. My flame angel and scopas tang do not put up with their antics, and will chase them right back. They sometimes bully my blue sided fairy wrasse, but have done no harm.
  4. Looking great! The pictures didn't make sense until I read your other blog entry. Interesting the effect it has on the LPS/zoas.
  5. I think I read online (Vivid's site I think) that it is like a bee sting. Hmm.. at the Dome you say. I was actually thinking about stopping there after a doctors appointment this afternoon
  6. Great pictures! I sometimes target some mysis at my zoa's, but most of the time they don't catch any. I really like the canary blenny. I have been contemplating getting one of those or a midas blenny. Though, don't the canary blenny's have a poisonous bite? Better watch out when cleaning the tank I had a maroon clown that would attack my hand every time I tried cleaning my 24g.
  7. Found this article on Magnesium and it's effects in the aquarium: http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/oct2003/chem.htm Skimming it, this was the only reference about the effects of too much:
  8. Last chance for ARC members, just posted this to Craigslist. Would part with the complete setup for $400 for an ARC member.
  9. I wish I had the time I barely can squeeze in iPhone programming. There is so much I want to do with the iPhone. Plus the Pre has a whole new "WebOS" programming language, so that adds to the learning time. Now if Palm opens up the Pre to C/C++, then that might be another story. But all of my current Palm OS programs should work on the classic emulator people can get for the Pre (that is actually why I am looking for someone who is getting a Pre, to test this).
  10. Yes, I believe you can do this. I think all you need to do it remove the SIM card. Then you can install apps either via wifi or syncing them from iTunes.
  11. JamesL


    So what route did you take? I have never fragged xenia before, but I suspect it would be easier out of the tank.
  12. Yeah, I think I will skip the lines this time. I stood in line twice to get my 3G, which was just silly (since I already had an original iPhone). I am undecided on getting a new 3rd generation iPhone. But I could always claim it as a business expense I was hoping someone would be getting a Pre, as I have a testing proposition.
  13. Very open design, I like it. The red coral looks to be a type of brain coral, very nice looking one at that.
  14. So is anyone going to try an get a Palm Pre this weekend? I used to be a die hard Palm fan, but with the many years of nothing exciting, I have become an iPhone fan. Just curious to see what peoples thoughts are on the new Pre.
  15. That huge colony of candy canes is :o
  16. Moving this out of the For Sale section, unless you are selling the cute dog
  17. Last day to vote! Come on, I know I can pull a turn around here
  18. Ok, I love the look of my naked clown. But those crossed the line for me ... do not like! (And the price is crazzzzzzy!)
  19. What??? I thought you liked stuff like that from this post in my Wii thread
  20. Oh woe is me. I have veered from the righteous path of the Reef Roids. I ran out of them, and I was putting in an order with Drs F&S (for some other sutff I needed). But lo, they did not carry the red powdery goodness. So instead I got some Coral Frenzy to try (it says it has oyster larvae in it). It is a much finer brown powder than the Roids .... I tried some last night and it clouded up the tank a lot more than the Reef Roids ever did. Will let you know if in the end I like it, but my first impressions are not that good. With the Roids, I could see my sun corals and gorgonians grabbing particles out of the water.
  21. Lots of niiiice stuff on there. Whoever ordered the Dragonfly Zoas, I really would like to see pictures once they settle in. Those were high on my theoretical order list.
  22. Heh.. your fish eating one? I think I will pass, as I would be afraid it would eat all of my fish (Though I did consider it for a second since my naked clown is ignoring my bubbletip).
  23. Wow ... it looked like it was about to lurch it back up a few times. Yeah, I think my wife would be pissed at me to. Though she has stopped picking favorites after her little clown goby didn't make it in the big tank.
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